Chapter 20 - Classes

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Several people discuss excitedly, as they head to the Oval Arena. Some celebrate, others wipe the sweat on their foreheads. All in great excitement for the new assessments about to start.

Lavigne Hu arrives, carrying a bag. Other evaluators are present, discussing the terms of approval for each candidate.

_ Good afternoon. _ She says _ I saw that we're going to have several individual tests today: Three exponential evaluations for Prima-Ordinis Parvus, two single tests for Prima-Ordinis Major and the last stage of a serial test, right? Have you decided on the sequence yet?

_ Yes, mrs. Hu. The first will be the serial. The candidate is called Jerome Reyes, from the Confederate State of Shirafi of Ruber. He's of aTikbalang* and comes today to complete his assessment for Prima-Ordinis Parvus "Alium Genus" for the Special Services Unit.

_ Understood. _ Lavigne takes sheets from her bag _ It'll be an oral questionnaire and then an evaluation of Spheres. Very good. Let's get started then.

The tests begin. Lavigne greets Jerome and explains what is necessary. In the center of the Arena, with a large audience on the mezzanine, the questionnaire starts. Lavigne asks a series of quick questions, to which the Tikbalang answers without hesitation.

_ So cool. _ A young lady says, while peeking through the crack on the door _ I had never seen a Tikbalang before. Have you, Johan? _ She looks back, seeing her colleague sleeping with his face on a beam _ Johan! Wake up! _ She shakes him _ How can you nap at a time like this?!

_ Uh... Hm... Katia? _ He grunts while opening his eyes.

_ I couldn't sleep a wink tonight and you were napping... Our assessment is in almost here! And Mrs. Nayla and Mrs. Dijana will watch us. Aren't you nervous?

_ I am. _ He responds without showing any emotion.

_ ... S-Sure...

The conversation is interrupted by Lavigne's voice. Katia returns to watch, excited:

_ Very good, Reyes. For the next phase, tell me what you know about the Sphere's Analysis.

_ Yes, ma'am. This Analysis is one of the duties of the Special Services Unit and corresponds to the act of "reading" the Spheres of children in three moments: At birth, 6 and 16 years of age, the minimum age for enrollment in the Ecclesia. However, this is not possible in all locations and, therefore, priority is given to analysis at age 16.

_ Perfect. Knowing this, your task is to carry out my Analysis, even if I'm not in the right age group. _ She smiles and raises her shoulders.

_ Yes, ma'am. Excuse me...

With these words, Jerome approaches the woman, placing one hand on her forehead and the other on her abdomen. Saying some serious whispers, he closes his eyes. A soft, almost imperceptible glow forms under his fingers. Moments later, he gives the verdict:

_ You are a Ranger, ma'am.

_ Right. Very good. _ Lavigne extends the clipboard she held to Jerome _ Join the evaluators and they will give you feedback.

_ Yes, ma'am. Thank you very much, ma'am. _ He bows, takes the clipboard in hand and approaches the jurors.

Katia smiles from ear to ear. Before, however, she could say anything, Lavigne's powerful voice occupies the entire Arena once again:

_ Introduce yourselves, Calisto Gama and Wamimina Koga! Your single test starts now!

Quickly, two people enter. The boy looks desperate, while the girl keeps a calm expression.

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