Chapter 91 - Bomb

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On 13th street of the great city of Brazva there is a dirty and old hut, darkened by time. The garden gate is open and the front door is unlocked. Aged leather boots, smeared with mud and green leaves, rest on the jamb, but it seems that they haven't been touched in decades.

In black uniforms and hoods over their heads, the great team approaches the small house: In addition to Shina, Eloah and Godeve, there are 7 other highly decorated people. Everyone's anxiety is clear, and valid. The younger Busia explains:

_ Those with Talentum in the Sphere of Spirit must be feeling that this place has something strange. It seems that there's a spatial distortion inside of it. We don't know what to expect behind the door, so be prepared for the worst.

In pairs, with Eloah and Shina at the front, the group advances. Beyond the old wooden door, they find an almost empty room with a rusty woodstove, a weather-worn chandelier, a locked trapdoor.

One of the group's Paladins opens it, and the team descends. The darkness is deep. Godeve approaches Eloah and Shina, with the excruciating feeling that something is about to happen.

The suspense, quiet and mysterious, is a calamity.

In one of the cautious steps she advances, Godeve feels something catch on her sleeve. "A doorknob?", she thinks, turning it slowly...

As soon as the lock opens, a violet light momentarily blinds everyone; a violent explosion completes the chaos. Godeve feels her feet slip, as if she is being sucked to the door. She tries to hold onto Shina, but... a translucent wall comes between them. "I guess I fell into a trap. Not that it wasn't expected, though", Godeve thinks as she falls down the stairs inside a castle.

The walls are a gray marble, decorated with details of rococo architecture, gargoyles, and stained glass that mimic mandalas. However, Godeve realizes the intrinsic madness of that place: Everything is upside down. "This is a very bold decor choice. Eloah would like it... "

_ Now, where are my friends, huh? _ She says to herself, while touching the richly decorated walls _ As I thought... They locked me in a black-box. _ She sighs _ How far-fetched. Multiple layers of watch spell, barriers, and spatial distortion. Looks like they were waiting for me. _ She opens a sincere smile _ It would be inelegant to leave my hostess waiting.

As Godeve walks through the haunted castle, Eloah and Shina cold-bloodedly murder some unknown creatures that look like Pesantas*and Mares* made of slime. Shina exclaims:

_ Eloah! What's going on?!

_ It's a trap. _ The blonde hits her fist on the wall _ They separated Godeve from us...

_ They created a wall... I think we can destroy it, Lady Fortescue! _ A Veneficus exclaims, examining the place.

_ Great. Let's get our Magnum back. _ Eloah frowns _ Watch out for the bombs.

"Geez... My conjuring seals are not strong enough to penetrate this barrier?", Godeve thinks, manipulating some papers in her pockets. She puffs up her chest and says, in a provocative tone:

_ The Witch who prepared all this is very dedicated, definitely. _ She crosses her arms _ Do you intend to keep me in captivity until I starve to death? This is very coward-...

Before she could finish speaking, a new explosion ignites under her feet. She dodges as fast as she can and protects herself with the black cloak. "For now, no surprises. Witches are sensitive to taunting", she makes a somersault and stands up, drawing her Nimcha sword from her waist. From one of the arched doors, she sees the source of the explosions: A thin female figure, with her gray skin covered in burns and dark scars; her hair is short, light brown, rigorously arranged, while her eyes are a honey golden hue.

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