Chapter 77 - North

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Within the continental area that makes up the territory of the Flavi Republic, there is an immensity of perpetual ice that extends from the mountains to the pole of the planet. Few humans dare to inhabit this frozen expanse, but several of the local ports are highly productive. One of them, however, is considered to be the most extreme limit that humanity can reach: The North Sea Border. The waters in this region are aggressive, subjected to cruel storms, and inhabited by sea monsters hundreds of years old, practically indestructible.

The Border Unit that is established in this inhospitable location has the sole purpose of preventing such abyssal creatures from emerging from the depths and walking on the continent. The memories of the destruction caused by them are extremely old and, today, they are remembered only with dramatic enactments and horror stories.

As the ship advances, the temperature drops. The landscape becomes a smooth carpet of white snow, reflecting the sun so that even the sky becomes excessively light. Mountains made of ice emerge in the distance. The wind moves the few clouds at high speed and creates abstract figures with fine flakes in the air.

Over their Ecclesia uniforms, the trio wears overcoats and thick trousers. Johan dispenses the gloves and misses the long hair that used to protect the back of his neck. Amadeo doesn't stop complaining about the cold for even a second. Emília wants to kill him.

When the ship stops and the passengers begin to disembark, the Paragon exclaims:

_ A-A-A-Argh! I-I'm from the countryside! I hate c-co-oold!!

_ Hah! _ Emília laughs _ Amadeo left the farm, but the farm didn't leave Amadeo! Haha...! Brr! _ She also trembles.

The wind hits them like sharp blades. Instantly, Amadeo and Emília hide behind Johan. "He's... so... warm", they think almost in sync. On the way to the station, in addition to the luggage, Johan drags his companions hanging on each arm.

In the distance, however, a figure stands out: The elevated torso of a man, on the strong body of a horse, covered with brown hairs that become lighter as they approach the paws. Above him, another peculiar creature pops out: Literally an otter wearing a pink coat that mimics a kimono. "A Centaur* and a Kawauso**!", Amadeo thinks, smiling, "They must be from the Unit!".

However, behind the hybrid Fabulares, a woman appears and advances towards them. Her hair, tied in a low ponytail, undulates like a snake's tail; her look is murderous and she doesn't hesitate. "Y O M I ! !", Amadeo thinks.

In an ornamental jump, she directs both feet to Emília's chest, who deflects. Johan and Amadeo almost fall, but the redhead frowns and responds to the offense with an even stronger kick.

Her opponent, however, ignores her and pulls Amadeo closer. She wraps him in a suffocating embrace, capable of breaking bones, and says:

_ Yo, Ammy. I'm glad you finally came to visit.

The word "Ammy" generates a chain reaction for the three visitors: Amadeo blushes like a cherry; Emília laughs wildly; Johan feels a lump in his throat and presses his lips to contain his laughter. Emília doesn't hold back:

_ AMMY??!! AHAHAHAHA! _ She takes a deep breath _ Now you have outdone yourself, Bonsai woodcutter!!

_ Shut up, old giraffe. _ Yomi makes a bubble gum _ I just called you out here, 'cause we need a new shovel to remove the snow. Your huge mouth is going to be very useful!

The veins on Emília's face pop and the women growl at each other. Amadeo is blue. Breathing is impossible inside that hug. The feud is interrupted by the Centaur:

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