Chapter 111 - Rite

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_ ...And that was how... we became allies? _ Johan says, turning his eyes to Fumio.

The boy nods, but Keisha doesn't seem convinced. She looks at him suspiciously, but gradually decides to accept their strange friendship.

Two days after Harel's attack, the three of them met in a town on the border of Nigrum, in the backyard of a flower shop. Keisha asked to travel to that city, under the pretext of wanting to buy extremely specific flowers for Aunt Eve's grave. In that same day, she will meet Sayuri in her hometown, at night, to finish the remote communication device. Dijana is also in the citadel, waiting to meet Johan, while the group waits for news from Penan.

_ Well, miss Keisha, I will write everything I know in a letter and send it to you shortly. If everything goes as we hope, that idea of ​​yours could give us a big advantage.

_ Yeah. I'll be waitin'. The pieces are almost falling into place. _ She smiles _ Nothing escapes my deduction, gotcha?

_ I wouldn't expect any less from you. _ Fumio gets up _ Now I need to go. I have appointments to attend and espionage to perform, right? We shall meet soon. _ He shakes his pocket watch, similar to the one Johan carries with him.

After the Tengu leaves, Johan gets up. He strokes Keisha's hair, muttering a "thank you" as usual, before escaping through the open window.

The girl sighs. They need to survive just a little longer before starting the real counterattack.

Hiding as best he can in the shadows, Johan arrives at a temple and climbs its tower from the outside. He is greeted with a kind smile and a hug by Dijana, and both hide under the abandoned bell. She asks for updates on recent events, and Johan explains everything. His voice is more dejected and she can see, behind the mask, the remaining suffering of his scars.

"I also met "Amadeo"... But he didn't say a single word to me", Dijana says, "He looked like he was about to cry, at the same time he was so serious... I wonder if he's being controlled or if... it simply "isn't" he?". Johan answers:

_ I think "he" is just... part... a part of Amadeo. _ He leans his head against the wall _ He was there, but... not whole. _ He seems to look at the horizon.

"At least considering what you've discovered, we'll likely be able to undo this "spell" when we get to the Witch's castle", Dijana tries to smile, "We have several strong allies, and Keisha's plan is very good! Let's finish the Witch off and save our Paragon!", she concludes, trying to lighten the terrible mood.

Her effort, however, is in vain, as a trumpet awakes the fear. A voice follows it:

_ Johan Ionani, you're surrounded! Get out immediately with your hands up! You're arrested for murder!! Do not resist!

The two look at each other, startled. Dijana thinks: "Who gave us away?!". Johan sighs as he watches the large number of Knights of the Ecclesia at the base of the tower; all heavily armed. In parallel, much of the city was being evacuated to avoid civilian casualties during the clash.

_ 30... maybe 40... Tsk! _ He massages his neck _ I don't wanna kill people... Dijana... I... can't take this anymore... ugh...

The slap he takes in the face interrupts his existential crisis. Dijana is frowning and signals, "You don't need to kill them! There are other ways to win!! Do you still have your badges?!". Johan searches his pockets and finds the Aberration's coat of arms made of titanium; the patent brooches he lost somewhere else.

Dijana then explains: "There is an old thing, which we call the "Rite of Judgment by Combat". Any member of the Ecclesia can bet their rank to defend themselves against an accusation. To the victor is given the triumph of mercy, and the penalty is reduced. If you demand the rite, the Knights will be forced to face you 1 at a time... Then you won't have to kill them until I manage to find a way for us to escape".

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