Chapter 61 - Aristourgima

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In the last day of the Ágora, the meetings give space to events open to the population. Large forums, open-air classes, "Questions & Answers" ​​sessions and press bulletins occupy the day of most participants. The fair is rebuilt and has more attractions than before.

However, Amadeo doesn't have time to taste another fried ice cream. After the battle with Johan, which he can't quite remember, he fell asleep... And it was the first night that he didn't wake up several times in quite a while. He woke up around noon, refreshed and sore. After shaving the thin beard he hates, he left the room and went to the North building studio.

Escaping the eyes of others, he finds Yomi doing warm-ups in the lounge.

_ I knew you're coming here, Ammy; to practice for tonight.

_ Yeah. _ He says, removing his accessories _ I wanna try it a few times with the blindfold.

_ Uhum. _ She crosses her arms _ It's an honor to do the ending ceremony... Do you think you can do it?

She tries to disguise her concern. Amadeo lowers his face:

_ Lady Fortescue said that this will be the "first phase" of my assessment for Secundus-Ordinis Major. _ He takes a deep breath _ I need to do it.

_ So, I'll help you. But just because you're cute. _ She strokes his hair _ You can call me "Sis Yomi" like you used to do when you're younger.

Amadeo blushes. She won't let him forget that, but it isn't as if he were able to abandon such memories. It's nostalgic. For some reason, he remembers when he ran away from the fort to tour around the city for the first time. "I was about 13 years old...? Maybe less", he thinks, doing upside-down push-ups. He remembers talking to several people while on the run. He was a curious and nosy child. Another short memory of the time is with an elderly woman who needed help with something and he volunteered immediately.

He rehearses quick steps in front of Yomi, who is watching his feet intently. This reminds him of dancing in front of a fountain, while musicians made their art. He played with some children after that and went to school with them. He stops and wipes the sweat off his face... "That's right, after that, Eloah found out that I ran away and took me back... And punished me", he sighs. Yomi slaps him hard on his hips and tells him to stop stalling.

The hours pass. The beginning of the night is received with an intense fireworks display, accompanied by music. The ending ceremony begins with Lan Tchata, Marescallum ducis and head of the Special Services Unit, speaking about the history of the Ecclesia and its importance, and the pride he has for dedicating most of his decades to the institution. Then, a Manticore*, called Arta Khor, representative of the Alium Genus, speaks about the positive impacts of the changes of the last decades, and about the future prospects for even greater improvements. Godeve then makes a short speech:

_ To all who are present, to all who could not come, to all who were lost along the way, my most sincere thanks. _ She bows _ This Ágora showed me once again that it is not human Spheres that are evolutionary, but life itself in all of its forms, in all of its colors. We are the Ecclesia! We must be proud of who we were, who we are and... who we will be.

Long claps follow her words.

For the last time at that event, everyone settles in the stands of the arena to contemplate the final spectacle. The field is completely black and the audience hums. Nayla, Dijana, and Keisha are sweating cold. Johan is distracted, gazing at Eloah. She descends from the podium with the other Paragons, who stand on platforms over the wall. Godeve holds out her hand. Silence.

_ Aristourgima, the "masterpiece". Hundreds of years ago, the former leaders of the Ecclesia created the Aristourgima as a test to decide the ones worthy to be Magnum Paragon. However, the Spheres have evolved more than the test was capable of evaluating. With each generation, humanity improves. The Aristourgima has become obsolete and today it is only part of our cultural and spiritual heritage. Today, it represents the cataclysmic potential of Paragons.

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