Chapter 97 - Reaper

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The Ninki-Nanka targets Deodoro, but Emília is the real opponent. She evades the neck blows and bites with jumps driven by the force of desperation, but the stone pillars that the creature transmutes are more problematic. She is aware that she won't be able to kill the monster in her current state and reconsiders the options: Enchant a negative matter bomb; conjure a storm of blades; be swallowed up and destroy the creature's heart from the inside with her bare hands. "Aaargh!!", she mentally yells, unable to take action.

In parallel, Amadeo attacks Edisia with flaming fists. He knows she can't kill him, but every counterattack, even shoves or slaps, is absurdly powerful.

In addition to this chaos, small enemies made of dark jelly form randomly, holding the combatants' legs as they try to eat their skin. Amadeo thinks: "The slime is indestructible... Even if these things are "killable", they won't disappear!!", he burns the enemy in the ground, making it melt; the slime returns to Edisia. "This is probably what they produce with the meat of North Sea monsters...! Ugh, it doesn't matter now...!", he concludes, crushing another one between his hands. He stares at the corridor... What is Johan doing there? Why is he taking so long?

Edisia hums.

Deodoro, huddled against the wall, inside a barrier, looks for a way to break Amadeo's "seal". He can't help but think about it: Why Amadeo? How did they put the seals? Why now? How will this benefit a Witch? He doesn't reach any conclusions, but finally! finds the "disenchantment". Depending on the curse placed on someone, three things can undo it: The individual who performed it; the victim when fulfilling some condition (if present); the "disenchantment" or "counterspell" specific to the type of spell used. "If the "lock" in Amadeo has some demonic magic component, this will destroy it!!", Deodoro thinks, starting the doomed speech.

Edisia and Amadeo turn to him at once. The two have the same feeling, but the boy realizes that the Witch is somehow fearful. With a vertical gesture, she creates a corridor of thorns that propagate against the man. Amadeo runs in the same direction, interposing. The pain in his transfixed legs is unbearable, but Edisia immediately stops the attack. Amadeo has fully accepted his role as "bait" and "bargain" and it's frightening how effective it is. He just wanted to know why?!

Suddenly his chest snaps, and he loses consciousness. Deodoro stares at him, having completed the spell. Around the boy, the air distorts and, little by little, the temperature rises. He shivers and screams.

_ NOOOOO! _ Edisia exclaims _ He has no control!!! DAMN IIIIIT!!

White orbs of pure energy materialize around him. Edisia backs away as much as she can. Emília runs towards Deodoro; both confused. The Ninka-Nanka, however, is touched by the spheres of light, and part of its leather is instantly obliterated. Amadeo falls down, and the space around him is deformed by the explosion of energy.

Suddenly, the ground below the boy takes the shape of a mouth and Edisia calls out a surreal name. The jaw opens and Amadeo is swallowed whole at once. "I hate to have to use Leah's monster, but it's the only way!!", Edisia thinks, gritting her teeth.

Deodoro and Emília look at each other. "We... lost both of them...", she says over the psionic link. The man does not respond, petrified. They can't take it anymore. "Let's... let's run away... Please, Deodoro...", Emília begs as the partially destroyed Ninki-Nanka continues to advance against them.

_ My dear... We can't go back now. _ Deodoro says _ I'm... I'm sorry for not being able to protect you. _ For some reason that Emília doesn't understand, he smiles.

When he finishes speaking, he sticks a strip of red paper to the woman's chest and pushes her away. Emília knows that that paper is a"life raft" for when a Veneficus decides to use a suicide move. She doesn't have the strength to respond, and falls. Deodoro takes a deep breath and runs towards the Witch. He speaks dazzlingly fast. Edisia laughs...-

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