Chapter 110 - Tempest

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The symphony of despair is composed of the howls of the wind, the squeals of rain and the roar of thunder, superimposed on the thoughts of denial: "No, no, no".

Johan returns to the town, bloodied and limping, in the dead of night. The local transport station luckily has a Space Distortion machine that he breaks into without hesitation. The cabin worker is threatened by claws and huge canines. Fearing for his life, he fulfills the demand: An immediate trip as close as possible to Maidowa, Ruber.

The crossing is terrible as always, nauseating and hypotensive, but this time, Johan doesn't have time to recover... The injuries of the "fight" against Amadeo have not yet healed either. He doesn't even know how long the bleeding spell lasts...

_ Which way is Maidowa?!

He asks, lifting the uniformed girl in her work station. In tears, she explains that the city is 40 or something Km to the south, following the main road. Johan throws her back and breaks into the stable next. A guard with a club threatens him and says he will call the civil police. Johan knocks him down while taking a Chimera as ride.

The Fabulare roars as they begin the dim path ahead. Johan trembles. He doesn't like to be unarmed, but after running away from Amadeo, he couldn't... "No, that wasn't Amadeo... It can't be...", he thinks. His heartbeat hurts. He has in mind his mother's smile welcoming him into a hug as he returns home after a few months in the Ecclesia. What will he do if... if...

He grits his teeth. To think about it, to conceive this possibility is too terrible. It's worse than anything he's been through. Aware of being exceptional himself, he knows that death is an irreversible event... So, if the Witch or Fortescue arrives before him...

The Witch or Fortescue? Who was speaking through Amadeo? Who hates him so deeply to threaten the only family he has? He remembers the Paragon's glare during his trial... He remembers the cold hug wrapping him in the cave before the Bicorn impaled him... Ah, in the name of the Goddesses, Johan! What's the use of thinking about it now?! He slaps a hand over his face. The Chimera keeps going at its fast pace. He bends over the creature to stop another bloody vomit. How can his whole body hurt like that? Getting crushed by the Grootslang was infinitely less painful.

A sudden burst of laughter pulls him out of his thoughts. The darkness of the moonless night hides the silhouettes that haunt him. The laughs get closer. He turns back; nothing. A cut opens his cheek, then his arm, his legs. The Chimera jumps and shakes itself to push away whatever was there. Johan doesn't see the enemy. The conclusion is obvious: It's something spiritual he doesn't know how to fight. Firmly, he tries to stay on the path as he swings his left arm to ward off the invisible creatures. The cuts don't stop, and burn.

_ Let's see... Maybe it's this one.

Keisha says to herself, taking a book in hand and carrying it to her workbench. The fireplace is lit and several lamps keep the room warm and bright. She wears her colorful pajamas, with animal designs, as she rummages through pages that are so old they seem about to crumble. She says to herself in a low voice:

_ A-ha!! δ class Fabulares, neutral or unknown... Some new editions don't even have this section. _ She turns the pages carefully _ Please be here... Please be here!!

Her eyes collide with the sought-after title, "TAUH". The following paragraph is short:

_ "Tauh", "Taú" or "Táu"... "Vicious incarnation of an "Evil Spirit", id est, metaphysical entity of obscure origin, whose moral conduct is considered below the ethical principles of society"... What, how strange... "Evil Spirit" appears in the description of a lot of bad Fabulares like the "Thief of Faces", and the "Boggart"... _ She outlines doubt _ "It is believed that this entity, probably native from Ruber, is capable of assuming a material body, demonstrating an unusual affinity for the Sphere of the Body; rare in "Evil Spirits" by definition. Its functioning as a paranormal entity is also poorly understood"... Wow, this's so weird! _ She rereads the same passage a few times _ Fine... I'll take on this one... "The only account described about its apparition refers to the rape and kidnapping of a human woman, with the intention of generating, through unknown means, evil hybrid creatures, whose intent would be to lead the world to disaster. The description of such beings was lost, as well as their impact and relevance, even in the Pre-Apocalyptic Era. Today, scholars doubt about the veracity of this "creation myth" which may have been a reinterpretation of fantasy tales"...

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