Chapter 76 - Travel

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_ I don't get it. _ Emília rubs her eyes _ Why now?! It is even written that a license doesn't save me from it...! I don't get it!!

_ Emília, maybe this is an opportunity. _ He strokes the woman's hair _ If the three of you stay here, you will get sick. I don't know what you should do, but... we do not have many options.

Deodoro then gets up, pulling a fabric amulet, omamori, from his pocket:

_ I'll head to Sarauniya. The library there has some information that I would like to see... I have suspicions, not very good, of what may have happened here. _ He doesn't smile.

This isn't Deodoro's first visit to Sarauniya, capital of the Nigrum Empire. Quite the contrary: He had already spent several days under the shelter of those white walls, sitting between shelves of infinite books. It's hard not to smile in the face of such good memories, but Deodoro keeps his expression serious. With a notebook under his arm and an amulet in his other hand, he crosses the square in front of the national library.

"My goal today is much more nefarious...", he thinks, looking at his omamori. As he climbs the stairs to the entrance, he clarifies his own thoughts: "As soon as I entered Meigdan, after the attack, the amulet activated. Emília always told me not to go around with a "bad thing tracker", because I would end up finding something unrequited"... He sighs. "It looks like you were right again, my dear", concludes.

After handing over his identity at the concierge, Deodoro enters the sumptuous corridors of the three-story library, with two levels underground. He strums the spines as if to greet old acquaintances, selecting apparently unrelated books.

The fragments of information he has come together little by little: In Albam, Mapinguaris* made of alchemy; in the Midnight City, Golems whose master has yet to be found; in Flavi, an arson during one of Ecclesia's biggest events... Meigdan destroyed by Cyclopes completely anonymous for the Giants union.

"Really, the most obvious conclusion to this puzzle is that there is someone or "someones" creating these "Fabulares". Scary, indeed, especially considering that they are systematic attacks against important pillars of the Ecclesia... Except the case of Mapinguaris. Maybe it was an accident? Or a mistake of our enemies?", he thinks, approaching the sealed gate that leads to the lower floors. The license he holds as an ACU's Veneficus does not guarantee him access to the ancient tomes that lie deep in Sarauniya. Unfortunately, his main hypothesis requires that he sees such mysteries.

He squeezes the omamori once again: "These creatures are being created with demonic magic. I need to find out how, and how to destroy them".

He sighs, leaves the books he chose on a table where he also places his notebook and gloves. With his bare fingers, he tosses the gray bangs back. "Well, now that I'm here, I need to resolve this impasse: Books on demonology and spherical corruption are banned for several reasons. The first is the inherent risk of letting people use this knowledge for "evil deeds"; the second is the potential of "intoxication" they possess, destroying Minds, weakening Bodies and corrupting Spirits". His sighs become longer and longer.

Stopping in front of a bookcase with art history files, he considers his options: Simply invade the lower levels in broad daylight? Emília would probably appreciate this idea, but she is not too restrained. Wait for night to fall and then enter? This doesn't solve the "intoxication" problem, however. Perhaps, creating a kind of filte...-

_ Mr. man, excussy. Can'ya get that green book there for me? Er, thanks.

The tone of that voice is that of a little girl, but her choice of words is completely incompatible. Deodoro turns to the figure in the wheelchair, with loose braids all over her curly hair. It's easy to recognize her.

_ Well of course. _ Deodoro reaches the requested folder and delivers it _ It is a great pleasure to contribute to your research, lady missy. _ He makes a playful bow.

_ Hehe, sure! Thanks, Mr. man. If I need an assistant, I'll call 'ya again! _ She smiles _ What's ya name? I'm Keisha Tôoru.

_ I am Deodoro Sen-Ki. I don't think we know each other personally, but I've heard a lot about you, Keisha, for Johan and Amadeo. _ He notices the girl's eyes shine _ Both are my students...

His smile becomes extremely painful when he concludes that it would be more appropriate to say "they were my students" since, currently, he was far from his position as a tutor.

_ Cool! Nice to meetya! Isn't it that coincidences really happen?

Deodoro chases away useless thoughts. A propituous door opens before him. If fate exists, sometimes it manifests itself in very peculiar ways.

On the coast of Albam, the trio  in plainclothes approaches the embarkation. Amadeo exclaims:

_ Are we traveling in a ship?! I've never been on a ship!

_ For the love of the Goddesses... _ Emília rolls her eyes _ I can't believe you are over 10 years old, puppy. How do you though we were going to the North?! Flying?!

_ ...Would be nice. _ Johan replies, lowering his face.

Amadeo laughs and agrees. "I'm surrounded by idiots!", Emília concludes. However... She knows that those trivial matters and meaningless laughter are the only way they have to deal with the silence. With the mourning.

It doesn't take long before they get on board and enter the small cabin they share with several pieces of luggage. Emília hates having to travel in economy class, but Amadeo is the stingiest person in the world. The two boys sit down, while Emília rummages her purse and reapplies her makeup. Amadeo asks:

_ I know we're going to the North Sea in secret, but I wanted to know what excuse you gave to Gottron for our disappearance. Fortescue must already be aware of what happened... She'll want me to go to Gulltrad...

_ I gave the crudest excuse I could come up with. _ Emília rubs her lips to blend the lipstick _ I said that Johan went back to his house and that you went to Ruber to help with that disease's research. Deodoro even helped me to forge some papers to cover this up from your Paragon-mommy for a while.

_ WHAT??!! _ Amadeo gets up _ Are you serious?! Emília!! We're talking about Fortescue!! She'll go get me in Ruber if she needs to... and when she finds out... _ He goes pale.

_ Argh!! Shut up, brat! We care about it when she finds out! Do you think that a crime of misrepresentation is gonna make any difference to my curriculum? _ She pushes Amadeo back to the seat _ Sleep, Amadeo!!

With these words, she lays the boy's head on Johan's shoulder, sits on his other side and also uses him as a pillow. Smiling, she concludes:

_ I've never been so enraged in my whole life, so it's better you both behave!!


Author's notes:

*Mapinguari: Humanoid and bipedal creature, typical from Ruber. They have only one eye and one mouth that occupies practically the entire chest and abdomen (vertically or horizontally). They're 3 to 5 meters long, with completely hairy bodies, except for the palms of the hands. Attacks are uncommon, as they inhabit deep forests and attack under provocation. They resemble Quibungos that have mouths on their backs.

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