Chapter 48 - The Adventures of Okonko 5, A Good Boy

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_ Who will go on today's patrol? _ The chief of the Unit says, with her clipboard in hand.

Okonko raises his arm as high as he can and says that he would love to go with the Cavalry members to learn more about their work. The colleagues laugh, but agree and then divide the patrolling areas. Okonko insists on staying with the east part of the city, as he knows it very well. Everyone agrees. The dark-eyed Paladin stares at him in silence.

The walk begins. They pass one street at a time, with distracted looks. One of the most important functions of the District Unit is to create a feeling of tranquility and security. Ecclesia's uniforms serve this purpose well.

A few hours pass until Okonko finally finds himself on the infamous 13th Street, home to his wildest hypotheses. The knight who accompanies him takes a few steps forward, but Okonko is deliberately late, pretending to be distracted by random aspects of the environment.

He walks slowly until he is in front of the small hut with walls darkened by time. He comes closer, and tries to peer out the window... Nothing.

Okonko is ashamed of his excessive creativity, but soon, something catches his eye: In front of the door, a large pair of gardening boots stands out. They are big shoes, covered in dark mud and elongated leaves, still green. The climate in Brazva is too dry to have mud... There are no trees in the yard or nearby houses with leaves like that... He can't help himself and collects one of the leaves to continue his investigation.

In the unit, he enters the small library and searches for a botanic's book. "By the Goddesses, I'm going too far with this!", he concludes. He turns the pages comparing the illustrations with the leaf in his hands. Several species of plants have foliage like that. What did he hope to find?

_ Crataegus monogyna, Cornus mas, Euonymus europaeus, Prunus espinosa... _ He widens his eyes _ Haha... how funny. This one's pretty alike... Prunus espinosa.

He gazes at the book. "It's just a legend, right?", he presses his lips. "Nobody knows if the blackthorn is really the Witch's tree...".

_ Oko! _ The Paladin appears by the door _ I need to take some boxes to the basement warehouse! Can you help me?

_ Ah!! _ The boy tries to compose himself _ Of course!

They go on together, carrying the packages. Okonko enters first and goes to the bottom of the small room, to leave the box on its respective shelf. The Paladin stops at the door and takes a step forward. Okonko turns to him and smiles.

_ You know, Oko, you are a special person. _ His deeply black eyes are lost in the dim light _ You are dedicated, kind and very, very smart. A little nosy even! Haha!

_ T-Thank you! I always try to make the best I c...-

_ It is a pity that you got involved with something you shouldn't have. You are a good boy, Okonko. It will be good to have you with us.

.... Okonko feels a piercing and absurd pain .... 

.... Huge red claws pierce through his chest ....

.... Before he could even scream, his head is swallowed whole by a fleshy creature without eyes  ....

From the shadows, a slender silhouette leans down and, little by little, completely devours the boy. The creature leans close to the ground and cleans the drops of blood with its vermiform tongue.

_ Miss Miriam... _ A cacophonous, irregular and inhuman voice emerges from the darkness _ Should I take his place...?

_ Of course. _ The Paladin's voice becomes progressively more feminine _ Be a good boy.

_ Yes, Miss Miriam.

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