Chapter 57 - Subjects

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The conferences begin. In each of the rooms in the North building, a meeting starts on the 1st day of the Ágora. Crucial decisions and aggressive discussions take the time of most guests. In the external square, educational and cultural activities continue.

While powerful people veto and ratify lines and documents, the pair of Aberrations are engaged in conversations (better said, monologues). Johan found out that the woman in white dress is Keisha's nurse, named Fayola. She has been working for the Tôoru family for almost 10 years and, therefore, is already a member of the family. Johan also learned about the various research's subjects of the child genius, but... there are just many. He can no longer remember all of them.

Fayola watches the little girl get more and more excited about her complex explanations. Johan listens with the utmost attention, but at each "Got it?" from Keisha, he gives a brutally honest answer: "Actually, no". Still, he likes to hear her speak.

_ Enough about me! _ Keisha says, while playing with a pencil _ Tell me about'ya.

_ Hm. _ Johan settles on the cushion on the floor _ I don't know. Is there anything you don't already know...?

_ Let's see... _ Keisha taps the pen on her chin _ Johan, or as I prefer to call, Jonathan, 22, born on March 30 in Maidowa, north of Ruber, adopted son of Harel Ionani. Has 1,95m in height and about 90 kg. AB+ blood type. And... that's all that was on your record. Aunt Eve didn't let me read the other things.

_ Scary. _ He pokes her forehead with his index finger. _ Even I don't know my blood type.

_ Oh, yeah, I am!! _ She laughs.

_ Tsk...! _ Johan gets up and looks at a pile of books, without touching them _ Actually, I have a secret. _ Keisha's eyes widen _ But... I can't tell you.

_ You're evil for making me curious!!! _ She replies _ But that's why it's a secret, riiiight?!

She lands a light punch on the boy's arm. He pulls out one of the books and asks:

_ Can you use those spells?

_ Nah. I ain't as insensitive as you, but I don't deal well with spiritual energy either. I only study a lot of things, 'cause it's cool. Do you wanna know something? _ She smiles.

_ Hm... I... was curious. _ He pauses _ About the barriers. I don't get that.

_ Ugh... So, Johan, the metaphysics of barriers is pretty complex. So, y'know, it's not that I don't believe in your potential to understand; I just don't believe in your potential to understand!

_Hah? _ He crosses his arms and leans on the bench _ I won't ask any more questions since you can't explain it, then.

_ Now you're bold! You...!

_ Keisha. _ Fayola interrupts _ Watch your language.

Frowning, she shows her tongue to Johan. He pays back doing the same. Unable to maintain the seriousness, Keisha laughs. Johan outlines the smallest of smiles, bends down, and says:

_ Tell me something else.

_ HmMmMm! _ She snaps her fingers _ Ah! I read the Paragon's file too. Do you wanna know? _ She looks at Fayola _ See, when you and mom say that I don't do normal teenager things, remember this! We're clearly gossiping here!

_ Pff... _ Johan covers his mouth _ Of course...

_ Amadeo Afonso Alscher, 20, born in a small town in the countryside of Albam called Weindorf. His birthday is November 11th. He's 1,77m and 70 something Kg. Blood type O-. He has contact dermatitis, so he can't wear jewelry. Curious, isn't it?

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