Chapter 44 - Timeless

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Amadeo opens the window on the upper floor of the fort, from where he has a view of the entire battlefield. His heart is about to explode. He turns the sheets in a hurry to find the page where the eternal night's cancellation spell is to be found. "To undo the whole spell, I must direct this to the central obelisk that keeps the holography. So, if I direct it just to the sky, it'll open a tear in the night! And if the Goddesses allow it, it'll be enough...!"

He takes a deep breath and puts his hand on one of the pages. The other he points to the sky. He starts reading, feeling his energy drain quickly.

The crowd of enemies is inexhaustible. Johan runs across the field with Edgard on one shoulder, followed by Gatsumiya. They approach Phil, who is also unconscious. Penan says:

_ Take them, quickly, I'll be right back!!

The boy doesn't question and stride foward. Gamila and Mooya can no longer bear to fight and try to escape into the forest. Yago continued to defend the Nurikabe with everything he had, but he no longer felt his back legs. Vanessa goes down the hill and drags him behind the wall before the Golems destroy him alive.

Amadeo continues to read and his body becomes heavier and heavier. His eyelids seem to close on their own. However, he does not give up. "I don't have to be afraid. They need me", he thinks, without stopping the magic words. "It won't work! I don't have enough energy...!!", he thinks, feeling his face melt in sweat.

The Nurikabe grunts when several Golems start attacking him without mercy.

_ If the seal breaks, the conjuring will end and we lose our only defense! _ Vanessa exclaims.

Gatsumiya, Johan and Phil arrive at the base of the hill. Before them, a sea of ​​monsters and two colossal creatures howl with bloodlust. Their legs tremble.

Amadeo insists as much as he can. In his mind, frantic images of the city being destroyed and people being killed run mercilessly, like a lucid dream. He throws his head back, keeping his hands in position with great difficulty.

_ I... need... more power...

Suddenly, his eyes get an intense white glow.

He feels a lock open in his chest.

Suddenly, the words accelerate and the sky begins to oscillate...

A beam of light, similar to the Lighthouse spell, is emitted from his fingers, colliding with the night. A tear forms in the sky and sunlight begins to permeate the darkness.

Penan looks up, believing that death is upon her. The Golems get more and more angry and chaotic. The crack expands from the forest towards the fort, slowly.

Penan then hears a familiar voice calling her name. The person wearing the Camazotz mask runs towards her, dodging the monsters that try to devour him. She concentrates the rest of her waning energy, with tears in her eyes, and obeys the simplest command.

Johan jumps and falls to the ground, bending forward until he touches his chin in the knees and forehead on the ground. The monsters attack him, but his tough skin withstands most of the hits.

The sunlight expands further. All the Vampires and Weremens run into the house, terrified by that vision that they hadn't experienced for so long. Mooya and Gamila sketch a mixture of surprise and joy, seeing all the monsters melting quickly by the infinite white light.


Finally, all creatures stop, burned, killed. The night instantly recovers.

Amadeo falls backwards unable to resist against the gravity. The first one to help him is Manan, who touches his face carefully, while gritting her teeth. A black tear runs down her cheek.

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