Chapter 64 - Cut

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Albam is the country of plains and forests. Its roads are surrounded by wide fields, pastures and thickets beyond the horizon. The countryside is warm at this time of the year, but the wind that moves the blades of the mills is enough to cool the pair that ride under the shade of the trees. They pass the bridge that crosses a huge river, whose slimy margins suggests the recurrent floods when it rain.

Amadeo brings a smile to his face. It doesn't seem that he has gone through so much anguish recently; let alone that he was in bed a few days ago. He still doesn't believe that Eloah consented to his partnership with Johan. When these thoughts cross his mind, he looks at the other over his shoulder: Johan has his eyes closed, holding the reins with just one hand; his head hangs backwards. Amadeo laughs.

Finally, they reach Komi. Without delay, they go to the mayor's house, where they receive the details of their intrepid mission:

_ There is a Shishiga, an old Fabulare, living on the river that you passed to get here. She has always been very peaceful and, in fact, has always protected our children from the dangers of the forest and the river. _ The mayor gnaws his nails _ For some reason, in the last few days she's very angry... And she's threatening us... She said she will drown anyone who crosses the bridge if we don't give her what she wants...

_ And that would be...? _ Amadeo asks.

_ Hair! _ The mayor's wife exclaims _ She wants hair! What in the world...!

_ We already offered the hair of everyone in the village, but she says she needs "the hair of a beautiful princess", or something like that... _ The mayor continues _ We don't know what else to do and that's why we called the Ecclesia.

_ Fabulares are so hard to deal with! _ The woman says, pouring large glasses of natural juice to the boys _ Why does the Shishiga wants hair?! She has a lot of hair that she brushes all day long on the riverside!

_ Please, we hope you can help us...

Amadeo remains silent for a few moments. Some Shishigas use young people's hair to rejuvenate... He watches Johan drink the citric drink, while concluding: "So this is her plan... That's why she sent us here... She wants us to offer his hair!". Johan notices the blonde's distressed look in his direction and frowns:

_ What...?

The mayor and his wife approach him from behind, assessing the locks with the seriousness of a judge in court. The woman says:

_ Really... Maybe the Shishiga will accept this! _ She takes his ponytail in her hands _ By the Goddesses! How soft! What do you do, boy?

Johan shrugs his shoulders. Amadeo covers his eyes with his hands:

_ "Princess hair"... Hmm... _ He looks like he's about to cry _ I-I'm sorry!

The man suddenly gets up and slaps his hands on the table:

_ I refuse!

The discussion that takes place lasts for about two hours... Amadeo has never before seen his colleague, stoic and cold, expressing himself so passionately. The mayor offers money, but it's not enough. The woman, on the other hand, screams furiously, accusing him of being overly selfish. Johan replies, holding the black strands:

_ It takes so long to grow...! I don't wanna cut it!

_ Hey! _ Amadeo interrupts _ Let's talk to the Shishiga first! Maybe she won't even accept your hair, "princess"!

Johan growls, but agrees. The mayor sighs with relief and the woman snorts, annoyed. They head to the barber's establishment and, minutes later, the Fabulare appears. She is a woman with smooth, white skin, like the scales of an albino fish; her hair is a tangle of branches, seaweed and dark, chaotic, damp locks.

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