Chapter 112 - Behemoth

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Huddled on a pillow-filled divan, the great Witch roars:

_ That is intolerable, Cat! How is it possible for such incompetence to accumulate like this?

She then stands up, walking half-naked toward a shelf of vessels shaped like perfume bottles. She runs her long nails through several of them until she finally chooses one. Still angry, she concludes:

_ We will crush the abomination. His interference outweighed my mercy. _ She hands the vessel to the Cat _ This will guarantee that he dies. In the meantime, keep Amadeo away from him.

Back on the citadel, with a blue and green circle filling the sky, Johan exclaims:

_ Argh!! Can't have a second of peace...! How far will she go...?! _ He growls, rips off his mask and adjusts his sword _ Let's see who dies first...

He looks at Dijana. The Paladin smiles and nods. They head towards the formidable creature that advances against the city at slow, destructive steps.

"What...? But why...?", a Veneficus wonders, "It's the perfect opportunity for them to escape...". There is no plausible explanation; just a stupid sense of duty and responsibility, plus an extraordinary liking for combat (especially against giant monsters)!

Neither Johan nor Dijana has any specific knowledge about the Behemoth, except that it is a theoretically an extinct Fabulare, hundreds of years old. It is able to use magic, but they don't know what type. "First of all, we have to know if we can hurt it", Dijana signals, braking a few meters away from the creature, whose huge ivory tusks churn the earth.

She extends out her hands to Johan. He understands immediately and holds the sword in his teeth. Dijana holds him by the wrists and they run once more until Johan takes his feet off the ground, and the woman starts a spinning movement. As if throwing an olympic weight, she throws Johan at the monster. During the flight, she pretends to murmur and her Drekavacs reproduce her voice: A circle of fire forms under her ally's feet and explodes like a combustion engine. The chains ripple through the air violently.

Johan collides with the creature like a cannonball, but the shock is just enough to make it sway unobtrusively. "Hm, does a Fabulare this big has any weak spots...?", Johan asks himself, climbing the thick fur, still holding his sword in mouth. Finally, he lands on the back of the creature who simply seems to ignore him; after all, it's not like the 2m man is more than a flea for the 70m titan.

The creature's back is coated with gray ore that extends from the nape of the neck to the prominence of the shoulder blades. Initially Johan ignores the rock formation and approaches the head. With as much strength as the instability of the circumstance allows, he drives his sword into the leather. The Behemoth shakes its head and raises one of its arms. The man struggles not to fall.

_ Miss! Miss!! _ The unknown Veneficus approaches _ We need to stop this thing! If it keeps coming towards the town, a lot of people will die!

Dijana nods and signals: "What can we do?". The Veneficus answers:

_ We have cannons and chains! If you or that... boy manages to rip some of those rocks out of its back, the cannons will deal more damage! And then we'll manage to find a way to hold it down with the chains. As long as it doesn't use seismic attacks, we have a chance...!

Dijana nods and whistles. The Drekavacs approach her and with a commanding gesture, she sends both to the colossus. Then she goes with Veneficus to organize the weaponry. "There are few people here... Most of them must be evacuating the city or... fled", she thinks. However, a pair of Rangers approaches her:

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