Chapter 98 - Heart

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Four bodies lie on the floor of the dark cave. One of them breathes calmly, in a deep, immemorial sleep. The sound of the dripping drops, and the discreet hiss of the wind are the only signs that this place even exists.

From a magic circle, drawn on the wall, a dark mist appears, and fills the entire hall. As it progresses, the center of the fog condenses into a roughly human shape. It opens huge yellow eyes and walks sinuously.

_ Miss Edisia. _ It stops beside the gutted Witchis body _ As the Cat, I have no emotions, but I think it's appropriate to say: "What a pity". _ It walks away.

On its catlike legs, it stops at a specific point in the room, and calls out an unknown and unrecognizable name. The same ghostly mouth that had previously devoured Amadeo materializes before it. The Cat says:

_ I thank you on behalf of our master for the services provided. _ A bow _ I will take the child now.

The curse growls and spreads open its teeth. With its ghostly tongue, it spits out Amadeo, unconscious, with his skin macerated and full of small cuts. The Cat sniffs around the boy and palpates him a few times, noting that, luckily, he's still alive. With some effort, its "hands" become solid and it lifts Amadeo just enough to drag him back saying:

_ So heavy... How unfortunate it is to be an immaterial entity in times like this...

After a long time, the Cat arrives at the portal once more, taking Amadeo along. Before leaving, however, it says:

_ Past, past, left behind, I hide the truth... I destroy the memory of this place. _ The smoke that composes it spreads all over until it becomes a fine dust _ This way, retrocognition spells won't be able to see us.

It goes through the magic door. In an instant, it finds itself in front of a castle on the edge of a plain covered with intensely flowering bushes. Red, purple and white petals form a mat in the endless paths of black mud. The sky is lilac and aqua-green, brimming with multicolored stars.

The castle's interior is richly decorated with unusual, and surreal architectural forms. A mixture of arches, vaults, murals, stained glass, pillars, steps, and various other structures make up the arrangement worthy of a dream. As the Cat advances, new servants, silly little dolls, approach and take over the unconscious boy's burden.

The Cat regains its feline form and nimbly climbs up the stairs. The door it approaches is made of an albino wood, with carving that imitate crying faces. Before it can knock, however, the passage opens, showing the almost Victorian room waiting for it. The furniture contrasts with the light walls, made of a dark resin and expensive fabrics such as silk, satin, velvet, in different shades of purple, blue and gray.

In the armchair, facing the window, is the woman with immense black hair, with a cup filled with a red liquid, the same color as her lips. The violet light from the sky reflects off her dark gray skin. The dress she wears has wide, lightweight sleeves with delicate handmade lace detailing. Its colors oscillate between the purest white, almost transparent, and the most terrible, absolute black. Kneeling on the floor, holding a pitcher of the same scarlet drink, is another servant made of darkness and cloth.

She sighs and takes a sip from her cup. She plucks the edge of the glass, producing a discreet sound, comparable to a tear of pain. The Cat steps forward, rests its head close to the ground and waits until the woman's voice grants it permission to speak:

_ Welcome home, Cat. Please tell me what you are thinking.

With these words, she shifts her posture in her chair, sets her glass down on the silver tray, and waits. The Cat approaches saying:

_ My Master... Thank you for giving me a moment of your presence. I bring news from Albam and Flavi.

The woman gestures, indicating for the Cat to continue. The sound of something being dragged across the carpeted floor draws her attention, but she doesn't look behind. The servant beside her widens its little doll eyes. The Cat continues:

_ In Flavi, Ayla managed to disrupt the North Sea Unit and sent a huge shipment of monster parts. We have enough components to produce a large amount of Golems. We wait for your orders to begin the production of your army, my Master.

_ Excellent. _ She shakes her head _ Please proceed.

_ In Albam, Edisia was killed approximately 13 hours ago.

_ Terrible news... First we lost Miriam; now Edisia. _ She sighs, intertwining her fingers _ How many more children will I have to lose, Cat? _ She puts her hand over her heart _ Tell me, at least, how far has she reached?

_ Recent progress has been quite satisfactory. She effectively matured a rift and was able to direct the energy of the "Void" into her creations. However...

_ "However"? _ She raises her eyebrows.

_ Edisia's rifts were also destroyed during the combat, and the immortality potion she had been distilling was lost._ The Cat lowers its face.

_ Hm... This is even worse, sinco it means that humans mastered the forbidden arts... Disturbing. _ She caresses her face thoughtfully.

_ Certainly, my Master. Fortunately, the man who destroyed the portal was eliminated. Not the abomination, thought...

_ Oh, what a shame. He's being a lot more troublesome than I anticipated. _ She gets up, still with her back turned. _ Is there any good news to mitigate this sadness, Cat?

_ Yes: Edisia managed to capture the children. The moment seemed opportune. I brought him so you can send him to "that" place, Master.

The woman turns around. Her eyes are a vibrant blue, with streaks tending to cerulean and purple. The smile she shows upon her face is genuine.

_ You should have said that first, Cat! _ She moves away from the armchair and walks towards Amadeo's body that lies on the floor _ Beautiful. Marvelous. I am very happy. Edisia exceeded my expectations. Even after death, my servant-daughters never cease to amaze me.

She stares at him for a long time, as if appreciating a trophy before placing it on a pedestal. With a gesture, she makes the Cat levitate close to her and welcomes it in a gentle caress, saying:

_ Take him to the lower chamber. I'll head down shortly to get started.

The Cat jumps off her lap and confirms the orders without hesitation. The woman bends down and strokes the unconscious boy's cheeks, then his quivering lips. She says:

_ It's just a pity that he will stay in "that" place longer than planned. What will be the effect of excessive horrors on this child? _ She stands up, turning to the chair _ One way or another, other humans will do anything to retrieve him as quickly as possible; the abomination too. Yes, certainly. _ A pause; the red lips are taken by a wide smile _ For now, we shall wait.

_ Yes, my Master. _ The Cat says _ Your orders are absolute, stunning Great Witch. We will die in your name; our lives belong to you, Daemon Cordis.

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