Chapter 53 - Loneliness

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Amadeo's breathing is heavy, as if he's choking. With his elbows on his knees, he reads, once again:

"Official Report 6571FV – Midnight City District Unit, Rep. Albam

Rapporteur: Melissa Hyde Parmont - Secundus-Ordinis Major Ranger

Theme: Final report of activities of the members of the Advanced Combat Unit – Mooya Musonda and Gamila Kissa, Prima-Ordinis Majores Paladin and Ranger, respectively – on a mission at the Midnight City, by request issued by the corresponding District Unit.

Historical: Original mission referring to the appearance of Grade 3 threat Fabulares. The situation was adequately controlled, without fatal casualties in activities described in previous reports. After expanding the period of permanence of these members, the investigation activities continued.

Evolution: During a reconnaissance mission in the regions adjacent to the City, both Majors were killed. On the rescue mission, two members of the District Unit died in combat. As advised by superiors of the Executive Unit, after such casualties, the activities of the Advanced Combat Unit were suspended indefinitely in the Midnight City and the Chief Priestess of the District Unit was removed from her position and replaced.

Conclusion: No relevant information was identified in relation to the case, which was considered closed, since, in the period described, there were no new spontaneous attacks or any civilian manifestations. The Midnight City continues stable and awaits for the intervention of the International Relations Unit."

Amadeo ignores the rest of the text.

"It's barely been a week since we got back...", he thinks, nauseated. His tears are made of sadness, fear, and anger. A burning and painful rage. There are no details on the cause of death. That damn document doesn't even explain who were the other ones that died! Was it Phil...? Amadeo grits his teeth and rubs his hair vigorously to ward off the thought of an orphaned child.

"Something's wrong here...!", he thinks. In fact, everything is wrong. There is no justification for interrupting the mission. Did Mooya and Gamila die for nothing? Why?!

He remembers what Arthur said, before he stole the report and escaped to his room:

_ I understand how you feel, Amadeo, but it's better not to get involved in this anymore. Ionani too. For better or for worse, you're still Parvus. It'd be terrible to get involved in a confusion because of a bad report. _ He sighed _ I'll do what I can to get more details. I'm really sorry.

He clenches his fist. The paper almost tears.

The day dawns as sunny as usual and Katia receives a to-do list as soon as she leaves her room. In that week, she was responsible for purchases and inventory; a great relief, since she hates cleaning tasks. "Can I convince Johan to switch with me in the next week?", she thinks, as she takes boxes from side to side. Her light feet make no noise.

She walks through the corridors, distracted by her own thoughts. However, she is interrupted by voices in a heated discussion. She hesitates. It is very rude to hear other people's conversation, but that is the only corridor that leads to the kitchen! Reconsidering her various possibilities, she is surprised by the voice of Arthur Savill:

_ What you mean? Fired...?

"What...?", she thinks, unconsciously advancing in the direction of the voices. However, she can't distinguish the reply.

_ I can't accept this! _ Again Arthur exclaims.

Katia feels a shiver and runs away, taking the box in the opposite direction of its destination. She squirms in guilt for spying on her boss and remorse for the terrible information she received. Her hyperactive mind seeks explanations and she concludes that it was probably Eloah Fortescue's decision in the recent visit.

She stops in one of the empty corridors and leans against the wall. With the heavy box sliding slowly from her slender fingers, she shrugs. "Everyone's going through such difficult things, all the time. I can only imagine", she thinks, looking down. "I should be less selfish and be... stronger... to help others. Everyone's suffering so much... I wish I could do something", she feels an empathic weight on her chest. It isn't for nothing that her most powerful trait as a Venificus is the ability to connect with others. "I just complain about Joshue... like it's all his fault", she concludes.

_ Heh, such nonsense.

She sighs.

In the capital of the Nigrum Empire, Sarauniya, the headquarters of Ecclesia's Executive Unit shares the old building with the city hall. The golden and white castle mixes conical and cubic elements, with towers that come together to form great walls. Next to the building, a large empty lot is at odds with the rest of the city, with its beaten and burnt earth ground.

In one of the meeting rooms, whose door reads "Coordination – Minori", a woman looks out the window, as if her eyes are witnessing infinitely distant scenes. She rests her chin on her right arm.

Suddenly, her left hand strikes the table and she is startled. She looks back at the scattered papers: Several registration forms for young people no older than 16 who wish to become Minoris. So many futures gathered in a pile of paper. She bites her pinkish brown lips. Her black skin contrasts with the yellowish wood of the table, while she looks at the hand wrapped in bandages...

Her expression reveals a mixture of pain and longing.

She doesn't hear the creaking of the door, because her thoughts are filled with memories.

_ Shina? _ A female voice echoes, as the person enters the room _ Shina Busia!

Finally, Shina regains her senses. She hides both hands under the table and turns to the visitor, saying in a sighing tone:

_ Eloah...

_ Shina, good afternoon.

Eloah approaches, with a completely white dress and reasonably tousled hair. It's possible to see the red marks from the strips of her armor on her shoulders. Eloah sits next to the other and says:

_ We need to talk, Shina. _ She lowers her voice _ About our agreement...

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