Chapter 1 - Test

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Birds fly high in the blue, endlessly, sky of that saturday morning. The city of Meigdan is bustling due to the arrival of carriages with young fellas in their early 20s, from all four corners of the world.

_ Candidates! Candidates for the skills assessment of the Ecclesia! Go to the Oval Arena! Go to the Southern Fort! _ A woman screams while she rings an enormous bell and points to the direction with her other hand.

The wind blows strong and refreshing. The long, black hair of the lad with brownish skin meanders in the air. He covers his grayish eyes with the back of the hand, hiding his face. He moves on, completely alone, with large steps. The impersonation of a mystery.

Walking fast, with chromed boots and an undulating red cape, the young prodigy of golden hair whimpers:

_ I've said it already, Savill! I don't want and! _ He emphasizes _ don't need a partner! I showed the superiors that there were members of the ACU that acted on their own! Even Deodoro said thar I can handle it by myself!

_ A-ma-deo! Firstly, you didn't convince anyone with those old papers. We have protocols to follow! Secondly, Deodoro said, personally, that you can't act on your own.

_ Traitor! _ He answers, between his teeth.

They keep on discussing. Amadeo tries to flee and makes up a series of excuses to change the subject. Arthur Savill, as the good Priest he is, persists.

_ This again? Haha! You're crazy baby-Paragon! _ A woman with short dark hair comes closer; her black eyes sparkling.

_ Naaaylaaaa! _ Amadeo says, whining and holding her arm _ Side with me at least once! Dang, no one supports me here!!

She laughs again and asks if they're going to watch the skills assessment to the admission on the Parvus level.

_ The theoretical test is over. Seems that there are a lot of cute Minoris! _ She skips.

_ I'll tell Dijana that, y'know...! _ He outlines a perverted look and cover his mouth with his hand.

Nayla responds with a punch in the top of his head. Savill sighs and gives up, stating that he will return to that matter with Amadeo later... The three go to the Arena.

There, a line of 16 uniformized people standing at attention waits for instructions. Amadeo and Nayla try to guess the birthplace and classes of the freshmen. Suddenly, a Priestess walks in the Arena, giving a rest order to the pupils. She then starts a speech:

_ After millennia of suffering and destruction, war and chaos, the humankind finally became in harmony with the world. Today, we live divided in 4 great States, the Nigrum Empire, the Albam Republic, the Ruber Kingdom and the Flavi Republic, but together under a flag of peace. Today, we rise our heads with pride for the friendship bonds we've created with the other beings of this world, Fabulares, who were our worst enemies throughout the centuries. Today, you will consolidate your entry in the Ecclesia, the institution responsible for maintaining balance between humans and Fabulares. Today, you leave the Minori level to become recruits, to become Parvus, the basic level of the members of all Unities of the Cavalry and Priesthood. _ She pauses _ My name is Lavigne Hu, member of the Executive Unity of the Ecclesia and coordinator of the assessment to which you will be submitted today. Be prepared, for your Sphere shall be tested once again to define your destinies. Good luck.

In unison, the cadets scream "Yes, ma'am!". Amadeo smiles, remembering his own test, almost 3 years before. However, among that people there isn't any Paragon like him. "At most, one or two Veneficus and three Paladins; most of them are probably Rangers.", he thinks. Nayla says:

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