Chapter 72 - Disturb

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In Meigdan, during the days when the heroic trio was away, many drastic changes took place. Cicely Gottron, the Chief Priestess, became known at the headquarters as "the mad revolutionary". Everything from the physical organization to the bureaucratic functioning of the fort was changed overnight.

The first of Gottron's measures was to hold more than a dozen skill's assessments. All Tertia-Ordinis Parvus of the Distric and ACU were submitted to the examination. Several of the higher-level Parvus too, even grudgingly. Only the Majors couldn't be forced by the new chief to that public humiliation.

The second topic also involved members of this hierarchy class:

_ We have an excess of ACU members at this headquarters. I've received requests from several units that urgently need staff. Being so, I offered some of our Prima-Ordinis Parvus to fulfill that role! _ She smiles.

_ WHAT?! _ Emília roars, alongside the other members of the management _ This is ridiculous Gottron!

_ Ridiculous is your way of behaving in front of your superior, Ferner. _ She sighs _ I thought our last conversation had been productive in some way...

_ HAA?! That conversation in which you told me to get high on anxiolytics before I came to work to _ She imitates Cicely's voice _ "control my manly spirits"?! You...-!

_ Watch your language, if you value your work. _ Cicely smiles _ Your actions do not only impact in your life, miss.

The dyed-redhead's third catastrophic action was a personal provocation against Emília: She sent the powerful duo of Majors, Emília and Deodoro, known for their aptitude in extreme missions, to solve a problem... in Flavi... a Grade 2 thread.

Emília never wished for death for a person as she wishes for Cicely. Among the multiple curses that she utters, she wishes for the woman to fall ill, with a disease that makes her ugly and weak, in pain, and without cure. Deodoro, also dissatisfied, says that this is an exaggeration:

_ It's enough if she breaks a leg, isn't it? _ He opens a bitter smile _ Someone her age doesn't recover easily from such a thing!

Emília laughs, but then sighs. Deodoro takes her hand with affection. His eyes, always docile, always calm, convey a message of optimism.

_ By the Goddesses, I can't stand it any mooooooooooore! _ Nayla exclaims, getting up from her chair _ I've already filled out five, FIVE, skill's assessments forms! _ She shows the stack of papers to the Priest on the table next to her _ Do you know how many pages each one has?! Seven! Seven pages! I have cramps in my dorsal interossei! _ She waves her hand.

Dijana enters the room, with an irritated expression and a file folder. Nayla asks what it is, to which the other replies: "Gottron said that we need to reorganize the internal transfer registry to update the Executive Unit". She pretends to cry and signals: "She said she needs it done by tomorrow!!".

_ Wha, but it's, like, five in the afternoon right now?

Dijana sits down and slams her forehead against the table, frustrated. She snaps her fingers then and opens the first page. Both continue to work.

Nayla plays with the wire of her pencil holder, making a repetitive "poing-poing" noise. Dijana asks her to stop. The silence lasts 1 minute and 17 seconds; the "poing-poing" returns. Dijana loses her composure and makes rather rude signs to the brunette, then asks: "If you are going to continue, do that outside!".

Nayla frowns and replies:

_ I already finished my part for today! _ She gets up and heads to the door _ I was gonna help you with that annoyance, but it seems that I'm even more annoying, huh?! Good night, Belinda.

"I hate it when she calls me that...", Dijana thinks, partly sorry for the rudeness; partly too proud to apologize so soon.

In the next day, the overload of tasks persists and, to make matters worse, Gottron began renovating the internal courtyard and the training hall. The meeting rooms on the 1st floor were closed because of the application of an algaecide product on the stones.

The Ranger and the Paladin had to cancel their students' practical activities to release them to help dismantle it all. What they had left was, again, the papers. Without adequate rooms, they had to stay in their own dorm, sharing Nayla's narrow craft desk.

Not least, they had several discussions: "You're too spacious!", "Don't eat in here!", "Why do I need to do your job?!", "I hate it when you talk like that!", etc.

_ Belinda, thank you for coming so quickly. _ Cicely says, happy _ I need a recommendation from you for a short bureaucratic expedition to the capital. It's a mere presentation of our inventory to the Executive staff who takes care of the finances. Who should we send? It'd be nice to have someone without many commitments.

Dijana thinks for a moment. "It would be nice to travel for a day", she thinks and finally responds: "I can go, Mrs. Gottron". She smiles.

"I'll give Nayla a cold shoulder. So she learns a thing or two!"


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