Chapter 67 - Crypt

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Walking through the mossy and moldy chambers of the crypt, the white-haired girl carries her delicate utensils in a straw basket, which she made herself. She brings a smile on her youthful face that contrasts with her bizarre eyes without irises.

She kicks pebbles as she walks into the room where a grotesque structure pulsates... Gases escape from what appears to be a meat egg, covered in a greenish and bloody exudate. Connected to the egg, machine cables spread throughout the room and disappear through the cracks. She places her basket on the makeshift counter beside it.

_ Well, you're beautiful today! _ She approaches the pestilent orb _ It seems like it's almost ready. Hm...

She skips to one of the walls and, with mysterious words, makes the stone tear open. From the rift, she pulls out a curvy, thorny torture instrument. Letting her white hair crawl across the floor, she reaches... s l o w l y ... for something inside the basket.

Stops. A deep inspiration.

_ A-ha! _ She pulls a kind of clay bowl _ I picked berries in the forest. I don't know what they are, but I'm going to make some juice. _ She turns to the egg _ I'll take care of you in just a little!

With the delicacy of a surgeon, she transforms the black-purple spheres into an approximately white juice. She drinks everything in a single sip and frowns:

_ I shouldn't have smashed the seeds! Bleh!

She leaves the instruments aside and leans over the counter, letting her bent knees dangling in the air. She mumbles, mumbles and mumbles... But suddenly, a fragment of black glass vibrates on the table. Startled, she takes it in hand and poses her most serious expression:

_ Miss Leah. _ A large yellow eye emerges from the darkness _ I am "The Cat". _ She nods _ I bring updates on your project: Continue the research; the results on eternal life are minimally interesting. However, that child is close. Capture him without hurting him. If possible, get rid of the abomination. Don't leave witnesses. _ She nods "yes" _ Go, Small Witch.

The image dissolves. Leah hugs the glass, excited. She can't help but smile.

_ This is a good clue. _ Nina says _ This tomb that they talked about is to the north; it's a 10Km walk probably. It isn't easy to get wrong: There are several pillars on the way. Just follow them. _ She pauses _ But... Are you okay? The big guy looks normal, but you two...

_ Ehn... _ Amadeo says, scratching his head _ It must be a bit of a hangover from the Pixies' magic. I have a little headache and Katia is a little sick too, but we can work, right? _ He opens a fake smiles; Katia agrees as a liar.

After putting on the armor, the trio heads to the crypt. As usual, Johan takes the tool bag and emergency supplies. They advance fast in the first half, but the Paragon and the Veneficus need to stop to catch their breath. The malaise does not subside. Katia inquires:

_ Are we with the disease...?

_ I'm thinking that too, but it's strange that Johan is fine, isn't it? _ Amadeo replies, drinking from his canteen _ One way or the other, we did exactly the same things.

_ Are you feeling anything, Johan? _ Katia asks; he denies _ Are you sure? _ He confirms _ Have you ever been ill...? _ He hesitates.

_ I've broken an arm? _ He answers.

_ It makes sense for the Body Aberration to not to get sick, I guess. _ Amadeo smiles, mischievous _ They say that idiots don't catch colds!

_ So, you should be fine. _ He answers between strangers.

_ Hah! And I'm the petulant one, huh?!

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