Chapter 58 - Voice

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Nayla was born somewhere in Nigrum, before her parents separated, but grew up in the Ruber Kingdom, in Caijiji, a large city close to the border with the Empire. As a child, she had to share her single mother's attention with two other half-brothers and the woman's lack of concern for her offspring. Not least, Nayla was raised by an elderly neighbor, who also protected several other children.

The financial situation on the outskirts of Caijiji wasn't the best, but the incredible members of the Ecclesia never allowed water, food, and shelter lack for anyone in the community. Nayla admired them since the first time she saw them working day after day to renovate a neighborhood affected by a storm. Among the hundreds of dreams she had as a child, helping people like that was certainly one of them. And it was the old neighbor who most stimulated her daydreams. She used to say:

_ No matter what happens, we're the best of our ancestors. We bring within us the courage of all those who came before. There is nothing, nothing, in this world that we can't reach. Be proud of your past, Nay-Lo! Only then will you live up to its legacy!

On the other side of the world, however, Dijana grew up in a comfortable home with loving parents in Meigdan. Her grandmother had been a Priestess of the South Fort and, therefore, the family never considered leaving the city. Since childhood, Dijana had an intrinsic gift for the arts. The romance books and the dusty piano were her best friends, until she got to know the majestic beauty of the theater, especially the singing and dancing performances. For so many years, the pure Albanian dreamed of becoming an artist: Someone capable of evoking deep feelings with gestures and melodies... A dream contrasting with her introverted personality.

At 16 of age, Dijana received the terminal diagnosis of being a Paladin. Her prospects for the future dripped through her fingers like sand. It was her duty to continue the legacy of the Belinda family within the Ecclesia. After months of tears, she decided to join the institution, not because of her parents' demands, but for herself: There she could also move the public, because fighting is also a form of art.

At the age of 17, she became Puer-Minori, with the goal of joining the Advanced Combat Unit of the Cavalry, to have the chance make a worldwide tour.

In parallel, Nayla, aged 13, continued to spread chaos and confusion wherever she went. She was never able to steal or hurt other people, but she always had a natural gift for causing problems. Except at sunset... That was a special moment of hers.

When Nayla reached the age for her Spheres assessment, she receives one of the most important news in her life: "You're a Ranger, girl!". She signed up right away. With a gigantic smile, she said goodbye to the family and went to Ikaika, the main training site for Minoris in Ruber. That same year, Dijana was approved as Tertia-Ordinis Parvus, however, in her ambition to participate in the missions, she asked for a skill's assessment too soon. Failure to approve costed her 2 years of waiting...

At age 23, she finally became a Secundus-Ordinis Parvus. Nayla, 19, arrived in Meigdan shortly afterwards, as part of the Special Services Unit. At that time, she had long hair, always braided.

They met for the first time during tedious training sessions. Dijana practiced with a boy who was her current partner, while Nayla watched in secret, over the ironic laugh of a friend who said:

_ Hotak, get over yourself. She's too much for you!

However, she couldn't help admiring the veteran's delicacy and ferocity. When Dijana disbanded the duo for the second time in the semester, Nayla saw an opportunity...

_ Excuse me! _ She exclaimed, red _ You're Belinda, right? The Paladin...?

_ Yeah... _ Dijana replied _ Can I help you?

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