Chapter 13 - Neighborhood

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_ Mapinguari?! Are you sure...?! _ Thita asks, distressed.

_ Yes. They took us by surprise. _ Amadeo replies, with a serious face.

Upon their return, Amadeo passed out and Johan was taken to receive treatment for the poisoning. Only on the next day, the Paragon was ready to report.

_ The forest itself is normal and I didn't find any problems with the Wolpertingers' lairs. I think we can stick to that plan to get the rabbits out of town. But I can't stop thinking about why there were three Mapinguaris here.

_ Well... _ Thita coughs against her wrist _ My staff went to check the area. If they find anything that can explain this... phenomenon... I'll let you know.

Amadeo nods and smiles, with some discomfort. Thita bites her lip, clearly anxious. Before they can resume the matter, a Priest enters the room, saying:

_ Mrs. Ciril. We have new information to report.

_ Yes, please!

_ We collected blood samples from the creatures we found in the forest. According to our analysis it is an extremely atypical toxin, probably made of...

_ Wait a minute. What you mean atypical toxin? _ Amadeo interrupts _ First that Mapinguaris aren't poisonous and now you are saying that the toxin was probably made with alchemy?!

_ Yes, exactly.

Amadeo sits back down, confused. Hundreds of thoughts run through his mind, but nothing logical can explain such association. Suddenly, a new idea crosses his mind: "The Mapinguaris were in the forest between Birda and Homer. So, where did the Wolpertingers came from; the ones on...".

_ And Nazda?! _ He suddenly exclaims.

_ What...? What do you mean, Alscher?

_ Think with me: According to our current theory, the Wolpertingers invaded Birda and Homer from the forest between the two cities, right? Nazda has no direct connection to the forest; it's further south. So why did the Wolpertingers run away to Nazda? I can only think that they came out of the southern forest and not from here. Do you get what I'm saying? What made rabbits from another forest also run away if the predators were here...?

Everyone is silent until the Priest who came to report says:

_ The only thing in common between the two forests is the east river, on the border with the District of Peony.

_ The only source of water here is that river? _ Amadeo asks.

_ No, here in Birda usually the water is from the lake and the west streams. _ Thita replies _ But it's the source of Nazda's water.

_ Wolpertingers're very hygienic rabbits, y'know. They like water. _ Amadeo frowns _ Perhaps the Mapinguaris weren't the problem, but if they contaminated the water with this poison and that scared the Wolpertingers...

_ The entire population of Nazda may have been intoxicated...! _ Thita gets up _ Call the officials of each of our teams. One will stay here and two will go to Homer to evacuate the Wolpertingers, but the rest are coming with me to Nazda. _ She turns to Amadeo while the Priest leaves to deliver the orders _ Alscher, could you and your ACU colleague stay a little longer? Your assistance is most welcome with us in Nazda, but the other boy could help here in Birda.

_ Sure! I'll talk to him.

The feather pillow is so soft that Johan rubs his face on its surface for a long time. The closed curtains leave the room with a shade of gray-blue that darkens the wooden walls. A barely touched plate of food lies on the dresser.

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