Chapter 55 - Girl

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With the golden envelope in hand, Johan waits for someone to pick him up at the meeting place described in the letter. The crowd chats happily, while he tries to remember if he locked the bedroom door, after organizing his things.

Suddenly, his confused thoughts are interrupted by a sharp-eyed woman in a white dress. She greets him, serious, and says:

_ Mrs. Busia sent me to take you. Please come with me.

Johan doesn't question and accompanies the lady. As they walk down the corridors of the North building, he feels the overwhelming weight of the stares on his shoulders. At the fair, everyone was looking only at Amadeo, but there, he was the center of attention. Discomfort builds up progressively.

After a long walk, they arrive at a meeting room with sliding doors. She knocks and waits for a few moments. "Come in", a female voice responds in an imposing tone. The door slides open revealing the interior of the room...

"Ah", Johan and Amadeo think when their eyes collide.

However, Eloah's frightening expression makes him hesitate. Slowly, a beautiful woman, in robes as black as her skin, gets up, smiling. The women in the white dress bows before the authorities, but Johan is frozen by the stoic sight of the blonde. "HE'S DYSFUNCTIONAL!!", Amadeo thinks at the same time that he casts a small spell: A tiny translucent hook, attached to an almost invisible thread. He uses trickery to pull Johan's torso downward, forcing him to bend over like a decent person. Eloah notices.

_ Well, I believe this is our cue. _ Eloah says, breaking the silence _ Thank you again for your time, Godeve. As always, it is an honor. _ She makes the salute of the Paragons and touches Amadeo's shoulder; he imitates the gesture.

_ I should say the same. It is also my pleasure, old friend. _ Godeve replies, serene.

Eloah and Amadeo walk towards the door, while Johan and the lady in white enter. They don't look at each other. However, when they are about to leave, Godeve asks:

_ Are you confident, young Amadeo?

_ ...Yes. _ He replies, with some hesitation.

The door closes and the escort offers the guest a chair. When Johan gets close enough, Godeve says, with a wide smile:

_ Welcome, young man. I'm Godeve Busia, Magnum Paragon. I'm glad to finally meet you. _ She extends her hand and he greets her.

_ Thank you... It's a pleasure. _ He lowers his eyes, being taken by a mixture of shame, anxiety, and boredom.

_ Please, be my guest. I'd like to chat for a while and introduce you to someone.

Johan sits down, but is unable to relax. Godeve makes a gesture and the woman in white offers both a cup of coffee and a glass of water. Then, she leaves the room. Godeve takes a short sip of his scented drink and says:

_ I believe you might be curious as to why I invited you; are you? _ Johan confirms with his head, without looking at her eyes _ I'll try to explain myself: Of all the magical and exotic things in this world, you are one of the most peculiar, Aberration of Body. And I am a very curious person. I can't let rare opportunities escape me. _ She pauses _ I like to think that I'm blessed to be able to meet such unique people. For this very reason, I concluded that there is nothing fairer than letting said people meet one another.

She turns her face to the door, which a moment later slides. Through it, a girl enters on a wheelchair. She has intensely curly and very disorganized hair, well-marked surgical scars on her face, along with white spots speckled on her brown skin. Her spastic right hand embraces a coat that partially covers her legs.

_ The little one with an angry face is Keisha Tôoru. She's 13 years old and is my goddaughter by heart. She's a special member of the Ecclesia, an Aberration of Mind...

Johan's eyes widen; his lips hang.

_ Hi... _ The girl says _ Aunt Eve asked me to meet'ya, but I'll make one thing clear, man: I ain't the type to make friends.

At the same time that she speaks, Johan approaches. As soon as she finishes, he bends down in front of her. Eye contact is maintained for no more than a second and Johan says:

_ I also don't have many friends.

A single spark goes through Keisha's black eyes. However, it doesn't take long before she regains her seriousness:

_ Y'know, dude, I don't need'ya pity. Talk to me like you'd to anyone.

_ Ah... _ Johan squats _ Sorry. It's the habit. _ He stares at the wheels of the chair _ This is how I talk to my mother. She uses one of these too.

_ Oh. I... get it... _ Keisha hesitates; her petulance doesn't work against that raw honesty.

Discreetly upset, she leans in the direction of Godeve:

_ Aunt Eve, won't you give him that thing?

_ Of course! We can't forget.

Johan stands up, as the Paragon comes closer with a small box. Keisha begins the explanation:

_ The probability of an Aberration of Mind like me to live more than 5 years is less than 3%; live more than 10, is less than 0,5. So, I'm kinda like working overtime already and that's why Aunt Eve let me "join" the Ecclesia so I can research whatever I want... Then she said that you exist and I was like, "Wow dude". We're talking about low odds, man! Something like 10-3, if not less! _ She puts the coat she was holding aside, revealing a brooch of two intertwined circles, made of rose gold.

_ We think it would be "cool" _ Godeve seems to try to use a slang _ if you had one of these too. Keisha made it.

She offers the box. Johan takes it in hand, with an exaggerated delicacy. Inside, he finds an insignia formed by two shiny ellipses:

_ They're made of titanium. _ Keisha says _ Pretty tough, gotcha?

Godeve smiles, while Johan lingers watching the amulet. She has a trouble trying to understanding the small expressions he makes...

_ I'm... very happy. _ He doesn't look away from the box _ Thank you.

_ This is great, young man. May this be the symbol of the future friendship of you two loners. _ Godeve replies, smiling.

_ Eh! Aunt Eve...!

_ Tôoru, thank you. _ He turns to her, while fixing the brooch on his chest _ You said you do research... About what?

Godeve and Keisha exchange confused looks. "Why does the Aberration of Body wanna know about my research...?", the girl wonders. Shyly, she replies:

_ A lot of things, actually. I brought some stuff with me... If you wanna, I can show'ya. But you can't touch anything!

_ Yes!

_ Oh, and another thing: Call me Keisha. I hate these useless formalities.

_ Right.

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