Chapter 47 - The adventures of Okonko 4, The Delation!

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Okonko was assigned to the most tedious work of the Priesthood: The Ombudsman. Every 15 days, a member of the District must spend all day in the downtown to listen to complaints and guide the population on various subjects. This activity allows the Ecclesia to carry out statistical surveys that help diagnose social problems. However, as important as it is, in theory, the task itself is very monotonous.

The boy feels that his body will implode from boredom. Most people who pass by, just wave and say nothing, busy with their activities. He plays with a pencil, having already scribbled over all the paper available.

_ Now! If it isn't Okonko! _ An old lady approaches, smiling _ How are you, dear? How are your parents doing?

_ Mrs. Urumuri! It's a pleasure to see you radiant as always! _ He smiles back _ Everyone is fine. Dad decided to learn how to make pottery now, so our house is chaotic!

The woman laughs and sits on the bench in front of him. She says:

_ Since today you're here as an Ombudsman, let me tell you something, dear... _ She takes a short break _ Mr. Jun is selling very expensive eggs! I think the Ecclesia needs to tell him to stop feeding the chickens gold nuggets!

Then, she laughs, and Okonko follows the joy. However, he uses this opportunity to ask a more serious question:

_ Mrs. Urumuri, you know this city like no one else, right? Did you notice if there's something different? There're things that only those who live around here realize.

She scratches her chin and rolls her eyes, as if looking for some information.

_ The only thing that is different is air. _ She swings her fingers _ The air changes with people's emotions, y'know. And I feel anxiety in the air. _ She pauses _ But I don't know why!

Okonko thanks her and says he will be watching from then on. It doesn't take long before she says goodbye and leave.

The boy's hands are cold. He decides to change his approach: Randomly, he selects someone from the crowd to ask about their recent impressions of the city. "Is there anything that makes you insecure?", "Have you noticed anything strange lately?", along with several other questions that he contemplates in his arsenal.

_ In fact, young fella, you're very perceptive. _ A very old man answers _ Nothing really happened, but I've got this strange little thing on my chest these days... And I'm sure it ain't a heart attack, no!

_ Well! That's a relief! _ Okonko laughs _ What is this "little thing"?

_ It is what it is, a little thing. _ He shakes his head _ It's been two, three weeks; maybe four, that a bomb went off near my house. Since that day, the little thing has been on and on.

_ A bomb...?! Where was this?

_ On the east part of the city. My house is on 19th Street. The whole neighborhood heard it!

Okonko feels a shiver. That heap of coincidences appears again before him... He feels his heart racing and asks:

_ Do you know if anyone has moved nearby recently?

_ I don't remember... But Mr. Cambo must know. Wait a bit...

He gets up and walk toward a store, where a man in an apron cleans a window. They talk and gesticulate. The gentleman then turns towards the boy and signals for him to come closer. Okonko runs, trying to keep his expression serene. Cambo says:

_ You want to know about the bomb, huh? I'll never forget that! It was on the same day that my nephew's tailoring shop in Kararawa was robbed. They took a lot of clothes... What a pity.

_ I'm really sorry about that. But about the bomb, do you know where it happened?

_ Ah, it was on the east part of the city, but I don't know exactly which street. But Jaafan said that you also want to know about the new neighbor, huh? Did she do it?

Okonko no longer knows if his hyperactive mind is connecting dots that exist or not. Coincidences and more coincidences. Why the same information keeps popping-up? Could it be destiny manifesting itself?

The three soon say goodbye.

Okonko decides to better direct his inquiries and tries to get more incongruous reports. What surprises him is the great agreement that something unusual occurred 1 month ago and, after that, insecurity increased, and a new person arrived at the 13th Street. Some describe a young woman; others a man in his 30s. No one, however, has had any interactions with this person.

Okonko can't help but to be curious. He sees a mystery unfold before his eyes! His thoughts run in endless swirls of theories and ideas. Did Ecclesia's problems have anything to do with this mysterious person? Of course not, but... In some of the reports, the newly arrived man was wearing the District uniform... "I'm probably going crazy, but it won't hurt to take a look!", he thinks and concludes:

_ Perhaps an evil organization is trying to sabotage the Ecclesia from inside-out and take over the world! _ He says to himself, as he walks back home, bathed under the twilight light.


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