Chapter 89 - Past

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While Yomi followed to the Gashadokuro's cave, Johan looked for Amadeo. He was already so used to the damn blonde's company that, under normal circumstances, it would be extremely easy to find him because of his unmistakable scent of children, peach, and rust. However, overwhelmed by pain and anxiety, everything is harder. And the stench of garlic makes it all worse.

On the top floor of the fort, he calls out Amadeo's name several times, but there is no answer. Wrath, his only clear and familiar emotion, bubbles up inside him. "He isn't answering... Is he...?", Johan thinks, bending down and covering his eyes.

He holds his breath, and tries to listen. "If Amadeo is asleep, he'll dream and...", a soft fabric rubbing sound draws his attention.

Opening the attic trapdoor, he sees Amadeo with his hands tied, unconscious. He has small spasms, which is common during his incessant dreams. Johan is rude and shakes him several times. All he gets in response is a grunt.

_ Tsk! _ Johan says, tearing the ties, and taking Amadeo with him to the ground floor.

Emília almost attacks him when he approaches from the darkness, with the other one on his shoulder. Sayuri touches the young Paragon:

_ It's just a "slumber" spell. I'll revert! _ She rubs her paws and touches the boy's face at various points.

Amadeo suddenly widens his eyes and takes several breaths, painfully.

_ I was attacked!! In the hangar... _ He looks at Johan _ It was you! But wasn't you...! _ He shakes his head violently _ I think there's a Doppelgänger here, but I don't know how he got your blood! _ He looks at Emília _ Do you have a mirror?!

_ AMADEO! Calm down! _ The redhead holds him by the shoulders _ It is a Ganger and he can take the form of Johan, Sayuri and who know who else. What do you want a mirror for?

_ Fortescue once told me that the Doppelgänger are... shy. They're afraid, something like that, of their own reflection! She said it's to make them "weak enough so we can kill them". _ He lowers his face _ It's been a long time since she said that... I don't even know why I still remember.

He massages his own head, upset. Johan doesn't delay and looks for the mirror in Yomi's doll room. The two go as fast as possible towards the enemy.

_ Don't underestimate us, Ganger. _ Amadeo concludes.

The Fabulare jumps back and squeaks. Suddenly, a golden arrow goes through him and pins him to the wall. Emília appears at the door with the bow in hand and Sayuri on her shoulder. The redhead steps forward:

_ Weimin is repairing the gas. Yomi's also coming. _ She pulls a new arrow and fixes one of the creature's paws into the concrete _ For now, let's make sure you stay here, buddy. We've many questions.

A few moments pass before the purification cage is ready. As hard as he tries, the Ganger can't escape, even though he has assumed his gigantic form of terrible creature once more. He laughs and wheezes. Yomi returns, moments after the torches begin to light the entire fort. She informs them that the two Dokkaebis are fine.

_ Let's start our interrogation now.

_ Interrogation?! No, no, no...! I don't have to say a thiiiiiing!

Emília creates an electric current that runs through the creature until smoke escapes from it. She says:

_ Let's try again.

_ Disgusting Ecclesia's dog! _ The Dopplegänger spits _ All of you're gonna die! But you! _ He points to Amadeo and assumes his form, with a huge smile _ Hahaha! Bad little child!!

Those words make Amadeo feel uneasy. He feels something vibrate. Yomi approaches him and, putting her hands in his pockets, pulls out a small black gravel. She says:

_ It's a... "Memento mori"?

_ Ahahahah! You need tricks so you don't lose your mind, little child! Even I ate those memories of yours, hehehe!

_ What?!

Gradually, the Doppelgänger changes its shape, taking on the body of a woman with white hair, long red nails, and dark but pale skin. Amadeo and Johan instantly recognize her: Manan Gaan, the chief Vampire from the Midnight City.

_ It can't be... _ Amadeo turns to Johan _ So, in that fight against the Golems, when Manan bit you to recover... y-you were actually bitten by the Ganger.

_ Nasty blood! Argh! _ The Fabulare takes the form of Johan.

_ Huh... _ Amadeo almost smiles _ That's why Manan messed with us so many times during the battle and... That's why Johan didn't remember coming back with me to the headquarters after the party. _ He turns his eyes to the smiling "Johan" in front of him _ It was you. How did you leave Albam and end up here?! _ Amadeo exclaims.

The Doppelgänger smiles and, running its claws over its mouth, sews it up. Sayuri takes a step forward, with her paws on her waist:

_ I'm fed up! I'll solve this at once! _ She approaches the cage _ You will give us the information we want: How do you transport yourself? How are the monster parts disappearing? Who are your allies?!

The creature howls as the telepathic power overwhelms his mind. Sayuri wins the challenge of those Transforming Spheres and gets the answers she needs. She explains:

_ There is some kind of magical connection between various locations. The stolen parts are sent to someone named "Miss Edisia". He thought about the route for a moment, so I think I could plot it, more or less, on a map. He said he obeys "Miss Ayla"... I couldn't understand the other names.

_ Names of Small Witches. _ Emília says _ Yomi, this is your fort. _ She hands a knife to the other _ Get it over with.

Destroyed and with inestimable losses, the North Sea Border Unit is temporarily closed. The survivors return to the city.

The first thing Amadeo and Yomi do when they arrive is to "open" that piece of memory enchanted in a stone. The revelations form like images from a movie: A white-haired Witch, seeking for immortality, murdered Katia, but was stopped from continuing by something called "the Cat" who said that... Amadeo is special for a reason.

_ Yomi... I'm...

_ I'm scared too, Amadeo. _ The woman answers.

_ Scared or not, we have to go. _ Emília appears at the door, sullen _ I've already sent an emergency telegram to Deodoro. He'll meet us in the town Sayuri marked on the map. Now that we've started it, we need to see this through. _ She touches her golden ring _ Are you coming with us, En?

_ No... The place I swore to protect has just been torn apart. We've lost two Majors... Pema and Marjolin. The North Sea needs me, for now. _ She stands up, with an infuriated expression _ But don't worry, Ferner. While you look for "Miss Edisia" I will do whatever it takes to destroy "Miss Ayla"... Whatever it takes.

Boarding once more in the ship, in the small economy class cabin, the Meigdan's trio bids farewell to what is left of the Unit. They sit in the same configuration as they had come, with Johan serving as a double pillow. Amadeo says:

_ Emília, since we're doing nothing... Why don't you tell Johan how you and Deodoro met? _ He closes his eyes, tight _ I like this story.

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