Chapter 42 - Onslaught

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Amadeo wraps his hands with a handkerchief and places them on Yago's wounds. Gradually the lesion disappears. The Porcão thanks him. Melissa runs over and Amadeo offers to heal her too. The girl replies:

_ Don't worry. There're only a few superficial cuts. I can still fight, sir. _ She lowers her head respectfully.

Amadeo smiles, shyly. Then he rests his hands on the Nurikabe, taking advantage of the absence of enemies to take care of the Fabulare. However, noises inside the fort attract everyone's attention. Gatsumiya exclaims:

_ Dreyfus and Edgard! How's the evacuation going?!

_ We've finished. Everyone in the region is at the hotel. _ Dreyfus replies.

_ What?! Didn't you evacuate the city?! _ Gamila gets up, amazed.

Dreyfus and Edgard look at each other. Moments later, Vanessa appears, head down:

_ Manan said that the emergency decree wasn't supposed to be issued yet...

Gamila rubs her eyes hard and pulls her staff out of her pocket. She goes down the hill and crosses the Nurikabe. Turning back, she says:

_ Go get ready. We're winning by now, but we don't know what's gonna happen next.

Finally, the last creature falls.

_ We're getting good at killing these fugly freaks! ᕙ (* • ̀ ᗜ • ́ *) ᕗ _ Penan exclaims _ This time nobody almost died!

_ Speak for yourself, Penan. _ Manan replies, wiping the mud from her clothes.

Mooya presses one eye with his hands, panting. Johan offers to help his colleague return to the fort. He groans in pain as the blood continues to flow:

_ Not even the "Paragon puppy" will be able to heal this... Shit!! _ He pauses _ Will I look good with an eye patch? _ He laughs, cynical; Johan doesn't answer.

Gamila appears with her staff in hand. She's startle when she sees her cousin bleeding. At the same time, she is relieved that Johan remains in great condition.

_ Good job, cuz, but I have bad news. _ She says _ The City wasn't evacuated yet. I'm concerned that we'll suffer more attacks. _ She turns to face Johan _ You felt them coming the first time, boy. Are you feeling anything now?

Johan looks down. He hadn't been paying attention until that moment. In addition, his hands and feet were tingling from the anesthesia of Manan's poison. He removes one of the tactical gloves and lands it on the floor... He opens his eyes wide. Gamila feels her heart racing.

_ Don't tell me... _ Mooya sighs.

_ ...There's something coming... Stronger than before.

Gamila calls for Penan and Manan. The five rush to return to the vicinity of the fort. There, everyone celebrates the great victory, with few sequels. However, once close enough, Gamila shouts:

_ Get ready for a new attack! Let's rearrange the positions!

The expression of everyone becomes bitter, angry, sad. Dreyfus and Edgard enter to put on their armor. Amadeo runs towards Mooya:

_ Let me see it!

Mooya reveals the grotesque wound: His eyeball was completely destroyed by a wide cut from his forehead to his cheek. Amadeo outlines pure terror:

_ I... I can't...

_ I know, kid! Just stop the bleeding for me and help me plug this hole.

The two rush to provide the necessary care. Manan and Penan approach and receive another dose of the blood infusion, invigorating themselves. Gamila organizes the new distribution of personnel: Johan, Penan, Dreyfus, Edgard, Phil and Gatsumiya will be responsible for fighting on the field; Melissa will take the second crossbow in the fort hill. Manan, Yago and Mooya, having already suffered severe damage, will defend the region close to the Nurikabe. Vanessa was willing to fly over the area to collect and shoot the explosives, as Melissa had previously done.

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