Chapter 38 - History

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At the end of the battle, everyone was exhausted. Manan and Penan suffered no major injuries and a good dose of fresh blood was sufficient for their recovery. Vanessa, on the other hand, needed an intensive approach to save her life. One of Mooya's arms had been partially ripped off, but healing spells managed to save the limb. Gamila was covered with teeth marks and symptoms of intoxication. Johan, for his part, had huge wounds all over his body, overlaid with scars. However, the most worrying manifestation was the bloody vomiting.

The nurse, Gatsumiya and Amadeo used everything they had to regenerate the injuries. Amadeo spared no effort and used all the energy he had left. It didn't take long before his face paled and the cold sweat began to drip. Mooya says:

_ I don't know where you get so much spiritual energy from, boy. You have improved a lot since the last time we met. Deodoro must be proud.

_ It is the saying, cuz: "Necessity makes the man". _ Gamila complements _ Knowing that someone's life is in your hands, makes us stronger, don't you think?

_ Heh... _ Amadeo tries to keep his conscience, but he feels his senses oscillate _ Maybe.

_ He can do better than that... _ Johan says, getting up from the sofa _ ... If he stops being afraid of himself. _ He starts to go up the stairs and the nurse steps up to help.

Mooya and Gamila agree with smiles. Amadeo feels his chest tighten and his vision fades. His last thought was Johan's voice, echoing through the forests of Gawmen: "I don't trust someone who doesn't trust themselves".

Silence takes over the fort. Everyone rests and sleeps, except Amadeo, who woke up 1 hour after he passed out. He can't relax, even with his heavy body and light head. He sees Johan asleep and leaves the room, with a large black book in hand, on the cover of which reads "The history of the cities of eternal night – Timeless spells". He enters the archive room and focuses on reading: "...Timeless spells are characterized by theoretically preventing the circadian cycle in a defined place in space, without affecting the living and material elements contained whitin. The main theory to explain its nature is based on the principles of the revolution of celestial bodies added to techniques of holography. Therefore, the so-called "night area" consists of a delimited region in which the static image of an astronomical phenomenon is projected. The term "timeless" was consecrated in the original description of the spell in the genesis of cities of eternal night, however, today, it is said that it isn't effectively a distortion of time-space...".

_ Holography? Is it a light-based magic?! _ Amadeo says, surprised _ Awesome!

He resumes the text, ignoring the historical aspects: "The consummation of the spell requires a large number of individuals, due to the great spiritual energy need. However, its maintenance is simple and self-sustainable, as it is based on the use of solar energy absorbed by onyx or obsidian obelisks. The use of silver or platinum is recommended to prevent energy from leaking out during the night". He is enchanted by the simplicity and elegance of something so great. Insatiable, he continues his reading.

Hours pass. The voices of multiple people fill the previously serene environment. Johan opens his eyes slowly. He palpates his own torso and notices the absence of pain. He gets up and finds himself alone. With a sigh, he leaves the room. Crossing the greenish corridors, he sees Amadeo sleeping in the archive room floor, hugging a large book. Saliva runs down the corner of his lips. "What a brat...", he thinks, but does not hesitate to approach the blonde. With disappointment on his face, he hugs Amadeo and lifts him over his shoulder. "He's so light", he finds it strange.

_ Deodoro knows... _ The Paragon grunts, in a partially awaked.

Johan ignores the other's sleepy murmurs and throws him into one of the makeshift beds. Amadeo opens his eyes and says:

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