Chapter 26 - Vampires

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The flash of light from the Space Distortion portal closes as soon as everyone passes through it. Amadeo walks with an inflated chest, chatting with the other travelers. Johan, on the other hand, pales and covers his mouth. The operator of the machine holds him, desperate:

_ Have you ever traveled with SD?! S-Sit down, please!

Amadeo looks back and gets closer. Johan wipes cold sweat from his forehead.

_ Hey, you okay? Feeling sick?

_ ...Magic is horrible... _ Johan replies _ I'll never use that again...

_ Easy, easy! It's normal to feel bad the first few times. And for a Body Aberration it's probably even worse... _ Amadeo pulls out a can of pills _ Here. Chew this. Then, when we get to the Midnight City, take another one. You'll feel veeeery bad there too.

Johan accepts the medication and they move on. His expression remains bitter and his breath is heavy. Amadeo says:

_ I can't imagine how you feel, like, "not feeling" the spiritual energy around you. _ Johan looks away _ Have you ever been in a ritual, purification, or something?

_ Yes... As a child. _ He pauses _ My mother said it seemed I was going to die.

_ I see... I can't imagine it at all. I feel everything, all the time!

Finally, they arrive, along with the others, at a large onyx and silver portal. Johan throws two tablets in his mouth and lowers his head as they cross the divider. "I hate magic, I hate magic, I hate magic...", he repeats to himself as shades of blue and purple take over the environment. The light is engulfed by darkness. A sea of ​​stars and an immense moon appear in the sky. Inside of it, the hands of a clock advance and recede, always indicating midnight.

The buildings and houses are of dark wood, with gothic and nouveau architecture. Huge streetlights burn purple, blue and green candles. Amadeo's eyes sparkle in pure admiration. Johan is still unable to look up.

_ This is amazing...!!! Ohh!

_ Well, thank you berry much! _ A mysterious voice says _ Welcome to our city!

Amadeo looks around, but doesn't identify the owner of those words until a perched bat turns into a beautiful woman with umber skin and immense, black, and glossy hair. She smiles, showing her fangs:

_ My name's Penan Gaan! _ She bows exaggeratedly, almost touching her chin on the knees _ SOM "Alium Genus" from the Midnight City's District Unit ! _ She extends her hands, crossing her forearms, to greet both simultaneously _ Nice to meet you! I'll be your boss while you're here (◕ω◡) ~ ♥

_ It's a pleasure, Gaan! _ Amadeo shakes her hand, smiling _ We're...-

_ Amadeo Alscher, POP Paragon; Johan Ionani, POP Body Aberration. Meigdan experimental pair. We know. _ Another female voice echoes when a crow approaches, soon becoming a woman with white hair and a more mature expression _ Letters arrive faster than people... By the way, I'm Manan Gaan. Sister of this one. _ She points to Penan _ POM "Alium Genus" from the District. And I am the boss!

_ Awnn, sis!! No need to belie me in front of these cuties (; 3 ;) ノ

_ Shut up, Penan! You'll give them a bad first impression! _ Manan holds the other by the neck, strangling her with a sleeper hold _ I apologize for my sister! We're just happy that the ACU sent such a different pair to help us. The others've already arrived. Shall we get going? _ She smiles, a little disconcerted, while Penan's foams.

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