Chapter 68 - Heroine

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Taking advantage of the fractured ground, the trio descends to even deeper levels of the crypt. Johan carries Amadeo, passed out, on his shoulder and Katia struggles to keep the bag on her back. It isn't easy to be a Veneficus with less than 1,60m.

They wander, guided by the girl's thermosensitive lights. Johan feels a chill after another, while Katia asks "Excuse me" to invisible things around her. Amadeo doesn't wake up, but he emits periodic grunts. There isn't a single ray of sunlight at that level of underground, but luminescent insects help to identify the greenish walls.

_ Hey, Johan. Is it okay if we take a break? _ Katia says _ I'm a little tired, heh.

The man agrees. With little care, he leaves the Paragon against the stone. Then, theyr sit down. Katia pulls out a packet of ration food and a pill. She eats slowly, with her head down. Johan keeps Amadeo leaning on his shoulder. It's hard to see. Both sigh. Is this whole mission in vain?

_ Katia. _ He says; his voice echoes _ Why did you join the ACU...? I mean... As a Veneficus...

_ Ah... It's a long story. _ She palpates the moss between the rocks _ You know; I'm the youngest of my family. My older brother, Joshue, is a Paladin and he joined the ACU... He promised that we would be a pair, just like when we were kids, as soon as I finished my Minori's training. So, that's why I ended up here. _ She smiles, sad _ But it's been almost a year since he's "on leave"...

_ On leave?

_ Yeah... _ She hits herself on the head _ Does it sound like he is sick or something? That's not it! He had two children, one after the other! That's why he's "on leave", see? And I'm waiting for him to come back to make our pair official. _ She wipes the sweat from her cheeks _ But it's very hard... Sometimes I think I'm doing this for him and not for myself. I'm afraid of regretting it and not being strong enough to help... I'm afraid of causing problems for people like I just did with the somniferous and...

_ You think too much. _ He strokes the top of her head _ You should think less.

She laughs. Her powerful senses tell her that this is Johan's way of showing empathy. The kindness makes her feel better, even if the pathologic prodrome doesn't disappear. With a smile disguised by the darkness, she says:

_ And you, Johan? Why did you choos...-

_ Well, the child is sleeping! _ A female voice resonates through the walls.

Katia and Johan look around, searching for the source of those words. They get up. Johan holds Amadeo firmly against his chest and pulls out one of the daggers. Katia pulls him with her in the opposite direction to the voice. However...

_ How convenient. _ The voice echoes closer.

A Banshee appears before the pair. Johan takes a few steps back. There is a shape, a shadow; and his blade is completely useless against it. Katia exclaims:

_ The stairs are just ahead! Let's go!

"Banshees can't speak... There's someone else here", she thinks, clutching a rock in her hands. She ends the spell by saying:

_ Cherufe*, lend me your burning rocks... Please.

The stone melts through her fingers. The shimmering red paste attracts other pebbles until it forms a small Golem of magma. She leaves her aide scaring away the ghosts and pushes Johan forward. Her thoughts speed up. She realizes the terrible weight that her lack of experience has in this situation. "I don't know what to do! I don't know what to do!", she concludes.

The Banshees advance slowly and some are destroyed by the miniature Cherufe. Johan asks, with difficulty not to let Amadeo's dead weight fall:

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