Chapter 119 - Lull

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_ I reeeeally thought you were gonna die. Thank this absurd protagonist luck ya' had! _ Keisha celebrates.

After Penan and Fumio flew Dijana, Johan and Sayuri away from the Witches' castle, they met Keisha and Fayola in a hotel room in a town in south of Nigrum. Fayola managed to come up with very effective excuses for no guards to be around this time, and lying about the final destination.

While the nurse and the Vampire prepare sandwiches for everyone (except Penan herself), Fumio and Sayuri create an extremely tough watch-spell. Keisha examines Dijana, whose symptoms of using demonic energy are quite intense, as she stares at Johan's back, sitting in front of the half-open window. He holds the dagger tightly in his hands. His bandages are soaked in blood because he refused the others' healing, saying his broken bones can stick back together on their own.

_ His stubbornness is impressive. _ Sayuri says; Dijana and Keisha agree.

With preparations ready, the group gathers to eat. Everyone is exhausted, but the feeling of accomplishment is invigorating. The pain they feel has an aspect of pleasure and relief. That night, they reach a unanimous agreement to... relax. Penan starts by saying:

_ Ahh! I'm happy! We nailed it! (-_- )( -_-)

_ I must to agree! _ Fumio answers while stretching _ It's been a while since I last fought...!

"By the way, Fumio, how old are you, as a Tengu?", Dijana signals. The boy turns to her and just smiles. That's a secret he isn't willing to trade! Penan laughs, saying she understands how he feels. Sayuri takes the cue to say:

_ We are a very diverse group here, right... Johan and Penan from Ruber, Keisha and Fayola from Nigrum, I and Fumio from Flavi, and Dijana from Albam. Three Fabulares, four humans... Er...! _ She realizes that her account is wrong.

_ Don't count me in the same group as Keisha... _ Johan interrupts, preventing (accidentally) the mood from becoming heavy _ She called me a "dumbass".

_ Lier!! I called ya' "dumbhead"! _ Keisha exclaims _ And it's true, anyway!!

The others laugh. This wasn't the argument they expected between a pair of Aberrations. Only Fayola seems used to the scene. The Vampire interrupts everyone:

_ Johan! Show them your amazing acting as "me"!! _ She jumps up _ Guys, seriously, even I was in doubt. _ She imitates the effeminate pose, with her hand on her waist _ Valuing the hips ¬)

_ No.

He answers in a low voice, crossing his arms. More laughter. New trivia come and go. Each one speaks a little about themselves, among smiles.

Johan watches everything in silence. His jaw still hurts. He runs a hand over his face and remembers the hateful expression he wears. He diverts to the window. Sayuri notices the movement and gets up to sit beside him.

_ Johan _ She says _ I know you're worried about appearances. Insecurity is normal in the youth. But don't worry, I'm sure your special one won't mind it.

As if in slow-motion, Johan covers his face, burning in shame. Keisha and Dijana cover their mouths as fast as they can, in a mixture of laughter and shyness. Fumio smiles, his eyes wide. Penan has no common sense:

_ Who is your "special one", Johan? (づ ̄ ³) _ She leans over him _ Mee? Am-...

Before she can finish, Johan pulls her down, wrapping her neck in a suffocating armlock. She foams as she laughs. The others can't take it and the laughter gets to them. To an outsider, that peculiar group would never be involved in the sprawling chaos that shakes society. It's just a group of friends.

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