Chapter 23 - Challenge

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Johan, with the envelope in his hand, sits at a table and, with a disgusted expression, begins to scribble things on the papers. Simultaneously, Katia and Ooli write long texts on the sheets that were attached to the clipboards. Katia paces back and forth while making the pencil smoke with the weight of her grip. Ooli, sitting cross-legged on the floor, draws each letter with a superiority air. Johan remains furious...

It doesn't take long until the 20 minutes pass and Lavigne yells:

_ Time's over! Deliver the papers and envelopes to the evaluators. Ionani, you can leave.

The three head towards the table and Katia asks:

_ So, Johan? How was it?

_ They tested if I am a functional being. _ He shows the two test sheets.

Katia looks over and sees a series of drawings... "Attention test: Mark the marked figures", "Stability test: Draw vertical lines in the space below, as in the example", "Association test: Mark the figures that don't follow the pattern"...

_ Wha...? _ She covers her mouth to hold the laughter _ T-That's funny! At least you probably scored well! _ She says, with trembling lips; Johan keeps a deeply irritated face _ Eh... My test was just concepts! Several questions about Fabulares, etc. I think I did great!

_ Good. Dijana will be proud. _ Johan replies; the girl blushes.

He returns to the room where he was previously with the girl and, without delay, falls asleep. What makes him wake up is Katia's soft voice saying:

_ Joohaan! Your test will begin! Go, go! _ She smiles.

_ Hm, right. _ He gets up, touching his hair _ And you?

Katia smiles and raises her thumbs. Johan nods and leaves. Lavigne is waiting for him in the middle of the Oval Arena, arms crossed and sadism on her face. As soon as he approaches, she says:

_ Johan Ionani. Body Aberration. You passed the pop-quiz, so now let's start the real assessment. You must complete 4 challenges. If you manage to fulfill at least 2, you earn your Secundus-Ordinis title. But to get Prima-Ordinis you have to complete all 4. You can ask me one question for each challenge. Understood?

He just nods "yes". Lavigne snaps her fingers and some men open a cage from which 6 Harpies* fly. Their hideous cries echo throughout the hall and they threaten the audience on the mezzanine. Several people scream, frightened. Lavigne says:

_ Oh no. The Harpies have escaped. Capture them all, without killing them. If one escapes, you lose.

Johan lingers admiring the monstrous birds. Turning to Lavigne, he asks:

_ Do they protect... one another?

_ Hmm... Yes.

Johan takes off one of his boots and throws it at one of the birds. As he walks to look for the shot target, he removes the other one and hits another creature in flight. He holds the creature by the legs and shakes it fervently. The Harpy screams and squirms, struggling to bite the arm that holds it. Johan doesn't even seem to feel the pecks.

It doesn't take long before the other four Harpies start sweeping around him, shrieking louder and louder. Johan leaves the two captured in the cage and, climbing on it, throws himself into the air, meeting another one of the birds. The rest revolt and attack with immense claws. While he has one arm pierced, he grabs one of the Harpies by the neck and uses it to hit the first. He quickly throws them into the cage. "Stupid birds... They want to test me with these animals... They underestimate me", he thinks.

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