Chapter 99 - Judgment

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With difficulty, Johan opens his eyes. He doesn't recognize where he is, but the pain of a catheter in his arm makes him conclude it's a hospital or something alike. Another element also increases discomfort: Ties. He tries to free his hands from the bed's bars, with no success. There are no other patients in the room. He smells medicine, bandages, and blood. He tries to move his legs, but they too are tied down. He shakes his limbs, confused. "What's going on...?", he asks himself, finally identifying the multiple sore spots all over his body. He grunts.

_ Ah!! He woke up!

A female voice resounds from the hallway and, moments later, the door opens. The woman who enters has tears in her green eyes and her wavy light brown hair, once huge and fluffy, is now short, with bangs. She runs to the bed and says in sign language: "Johan! I'm glad you woke up! How do you feel?"... Johan feels immense relief to see Dijana.

_ Fine... _ He answers; she touches his arm _ What... here?

Dijana hesitates and withdraws her hands. Johan notices her arms are bandaged, but he doesn't know why. Finally, she replies, "Do you remember what happened in the cave?". The boy frowns... His memories are strange. He responds:

_ The 4 of us... Deodoro, Emília, Amadeo, and I... We entered and were separated. Fabulares showed up and... there was a pit with a... a bull. _ He pauses _ He wanted to catch Emília, but... I... I was the one who got hurt. _ His speech is confusing _ I don't know what happened after...

Dijana notices that he seems to feel pain when speaking. After a few moments, she explains: "You were rescued 3 days ago. A Priest from a nearby Unit said that Deodoro had spoken to him about an exploration in the region. After that, Deodoro didn't get in touch again and didn't answer telegrams for almost 2 days. This Priest gathered a small group to search for him and they ended up discovering the cave. They found you there". Johan takes a while to process the information, but concludes:

_ So, it's been... 5 days since that happened...?

The woman confirms. She presses her lips together and lowers her eyes. The cruel doubt of explaining everything or not saying anything tightens her chest. However, she knows that it would be even worse if Johan found out from someone else. "Do you know what happened to the others?", she asks. Johan is startled, and the chains that hold him tense and creak:

_ They are not here...?! _ He looks around.

Dijana shakes her head and holds one of Johan's hands carefully. He relaxes and she explains: "In the cave, they found you passed out. But they also found Deodoro and Emília... dead". Johan doesn't understand. Dead? That's not possible. Emília is very strong; Deodoro too. He averts his eyes, as if ignoring what he just heard. Dijana gets up and completes her speech: "Beside them was the body of a Witch...". The boy answers:

_ They killed the Witch...? _ He sighs in immense relief _ The Witches wanted something with... Amadeo... _ He notices that Dijana widens her eyes at his line.

"Amadeo is gone", she explains.

"You were the only one who survived... without a scratch, Johan", she continues, clearly scared. "You don't remember anything? Are you sure?", she insists.

He feels breathless. If all that is true, then... he's alone now. What has become so familiar, precious, and darling is now...


_ I don't... remember... _ He frowns, cursing the thick fogs of his mind.

He can't accept the weight of those truths. Dijana asks if he wants her to continue. Between bitter sighs, he says yes.

Three SpheresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora