Chapter 2 - Aberration

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_ You all right? _ His deep voice echoes through the sparks.

_ H-Huh...??! _ The kid who was protected stutters, confused.

Gradually, his eyes, dazzled by the brightness, adapt and he sees the painful expression of his protector who rises without difficulty, removing his burnt shirt.

_ Are you okay?! You...! _ Lavigne screams as she approaches.

The boy with the red bow immediately replies:

_ Yes, but... I got off my lane. _ He pauses _ Sorry.

Everyone's confused and perplexed. Amadeo comes down from the wall with an incredulous smile, looking at the back of that man, burning in shades of incandescent red. "But he isn't feeling anything...?", he thinks, running his fingers through his hair.

_ W-What's your name? _ The small boy asks, while getting up with help.

The tall man fixes his bangs and answers, monotonously:

_ ...Johan.

_ Johan? That's what he said? _ Amadeo asks Nayla, excited; she confirms.

A strange period of silence reigns until Lavigne intervenes:

_ Today's evaluation is finished! Those who failed to score sufficiently in this test due to the... early interruption... will be able to repeat it in another day. _ She looks at Johan who remains serious _ And you... Don't worry. You're approved. You're now a Tertia-Ordinis Parvus, boy. _ She clears her throat and extends her arms _ Everyone, please, check your status with the evaluators and, after, we'll end the ceremony.

Uncomfortable and still stunned, the youngsters go to the bench of the evaluators, looking at Johan from the corner of their eyes. He is taken by some nurses to receive futile medical care. The sums are done quickly and the result sheets are delivered. The new date for the test of the Body Sphere is also decided without complications.

_ Well, regardless of all adversities, 13 of the 16 Veteris-Minoris registered for the skills assessment for the Parvus level, Meigdan headquarters, were approved. I congratulate everyone and hope that, in addition to been tested, you also acquired new knowledge. _ Everyone claps their hands _ From today onwards, you will remain in this fort for 1 week, to get to know Priesthood or Cavalry Units, as chosen on the day of your enlistment. You'll be divided into pairs in the first-floor dorms. Familiarize yourself with your superiors and resolve any doubts you may have about the Units of your interest. If there are no more questions, you're all excused. Welcome to Ecclesia.

Lavigne makes the salutation of the Executive Unit. The veterans present make the gesture of their respective classw. The newcomers respond, in unison, "Yes, ma'am!", lowering their heads.

_ Whaaaat? How is it over already?! _ Amadeo exclaims, slapping his hands in the parapet _ Isn't Johan going to ask for an extra test for the level of Prima-Parvus?!

_ Amadeo, dear, don't meddle in other people affairs! _ Nayla replies.

Amadeo shows disdain and disgust in the "Hmph" he grunts. Without hesitation, he flings himself into the Arena, sliding down the wall backwards; arms crossed. He lands gracefully on his metallic boots and turns to face Nayla. Several people had already left, but Lavigne continued to argue with some of the evaluators.

_ Excuse me, Lavigne Hu! _ Amadeo approaches with his playful smile _ I was impressed with today's assessment! But I just can't stop thinking about sooooome things.

_ Ah, you are Alscher, right? The young Paragon.

_ Flesh and bone! _ He bows _ But you can call me Amadeo.

_ Hm. Of course... _ Lavigne replies, with a certain suspicion.

_ So, I wanted to know about that Johan, is that it? The guy who took a high-energy bullet in the back. Is he a Paragon? And another thing, he seems very good. Why didn't he ask for a test for Prima-Ordinis at once?

_ Paragon?! Hahahah! _ She laughs and puts her hand on Amadeo's shoulder _ He's something much rarer than that. Believe me. _ Amadeo widens his eyes and frowns _ About the level, he didn't make the request. Few people are audacious like you to think they have the right to ask for such a test on their first try. However, I don't mind applying another assessment. We still have time. Do you have a proposal?

Amadeo nods and leaves the coordinator with a provocative expression. He walks calmly to the bench where the nurses examine the wound on Johan's back, puzzled.

_ Hey, hey! _ Amadeo says, standing in front of him, arms crossed, oozing arrogance _ You're Johan, right?

The dark-skinned stands up, showing the difference that almost 20cm leave between two people. His expression is serene. Amadeo swallows, but he can't help but smile.

_ What's your class, newbie?

Johan remains silent for a few moments, as if judging Amadeo. He looks away and answers, with a throaty tone:

_ Aberration... of Body.

Amadeo slowly widens his eyes, letting his chin drop in amazement. The others present show the same reaction. He thinks: "Two Talentums in the Body Sphere... A man 100 times stronger than any other...! But totally insensitive to the spiritual energy and emotions of themselves and others, eh". With a half-smile on his lips and a frown, Amadeo says petulantly:

_ Ah, so that's why you didn't take the Spirit test!

Johan nods quickly, then turns his back to Amadeo. He takes a new shirt and dresses it, ignoring the blonde's presence. That gesture irritates the Paragon, spoiled by constant flattery. Inflating his chest, he exclaims:

_ Don't you want to try to go to the Prima-Ordinis level today? _ Smiles _ I propose that... _ He turns to the coordinator _ If Johan wins against me in a 1 on 1 fight, normal weapons, he passes the level. What you think?

Lavigne raises her eyebrows. "Is he sadistic, somehow? Or maybe just want to measure his strength...". She raises both hands, signaling the impossibility of deciding. However, before Amadeo could ask or change the proposal, Johan looks over his shoulder, tightens his bow and replies:

_ No.

_ Eh...? _ Amadeo's expression fades.

Nayla, still on the mezzanine, holds her laugh with all her might. Amadeo gets annoyed and starts one of his classic tantrums. Turning slowly, Johan leans towards him, serious. When their eyes are on the same level, he says between his teeth:

_ I can't beat you _ Johan touches Paragon's decoration on the blonde's chest _ yet.

Amadeo feels his face heat up with the provocation. With a cynical smile, he replies:

_ So, I'll be waiting, newbie. I'll even ask some friends to help you prepare. Ah, by the way, the name's Amadeo! _ He points to himself _ Don't forget!

He walks away, feeling sparks of confrontation from Johan's penetrating gaze. It had been a long time since Nayla had seen Amadeo so excited. It had been a long time since Amadeo had been so excited about the ACU.



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