Chapter 32 - Swamp

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The searches around the city didn't provide relevant clues. Amadeo and Penan gave report on the tension between the human and the Wendigo. Manan said that episodes like that are not abnormal, but were becoming more and more frequent.

_ Perhaps it's a good time to call in the International Relations Unit to appease everyone's spirits. _ Gamila says.

_ We've already sent the request. _ Manan replies _ The problem is that they're overwhelmed with several issues. We've many "imbalances" going on all over the world. And since we never had insurgencies here, they're postponing the visit.

_ No matter how satisfied people are, someone will always look for something to hate, using stupid excuses. _ Gamila replies _ This reinforces the theory that the enemy is one of our own species. _ She concludes, before starting her own report.

She informs only about changes in the transportation routes for products from the southwest, the same direction as the swamp already related to the case. Some roads were blocked by a flood, according to traders. No other informations seemed important.

Everyone is frustrated. At any time monsters could appear and the staff present is scarce. Requesting reinforcements would oblige the superiors to declare a state of emergency related to a Grade 4 threat. This, without plausible justifications for the commonfolk, would cause immense commotion. The fragile peace, which they need to protect, would be at risk.

Mooya speaks up the only viable option at the moment:

_ On one hand, monsters that we don't understand; on the other, the risk of civil unrest. These two things are probably related. So, what we can do now is to investigate. Let's go to the swamp. It's the only place that seems to be associated with the problem. If the origin of the monsters is really there, we can nip the evil in the bud. _ He pauses _ We'll divide areas of interest and the ACU pairs will go. The District should prepare for an eventual attack while we're away.

_ I think it's a great idea! _ Penan says _ But, like, "prepare", how...? (' ヘ ';)

_ Traps. _ Johan murmurs before the others can answer.

_ Traps! _ Amadeo exclaims, leaning on the other _ A pit with thorns on the edge of the forest, for example. Some kind of alarm system based on those torches that light themselves. I don't know, we gotta be creative!

_ But we won't leave you alone, of course. We'll stay in touch all the time and, in case anything happens, we come back immediately. _ Mooya completes; he looks at Amadeo _ Have you ever kept a long time psionic link, boy?

_ Hm, I don't think so.

_ Great, it's an opportunity to learn. I'll teach you and then we both act as a bridge with the District. _ He tightens the bands he wears on his fists _ What d'ya say?

The lack of options sets the plan in motion. It was decided that the mission will last 2 days, starting immediately after the preparations are completed. Gamila and Manan discuss strategies and plans considering multiple scenarios; Penan drags Johan to help with the external gadgets; Mooya teaches Amadeo how to create the link. The entire District is mobilized to prepare for the trip and protect the fort.

Long hours pass.

On the first floor, Amadeo throws himself onto one of the sofas, exhausted. He grunts and complains about how he doesn't want to travel 30Km by Cockatrice*. Gamila laughs, claiming to be the fastest transport available. However, before he continues his complaints, someone knocks on the door. Phil, the Werewolf , quickly answers; his tail wags from side to side. A wolf-woman enters, smiling, with something on her lap. Amadeo approaches the couple, curious...

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