Christmas Chaos (2)~ Decepticons x Female reader (Human AU)

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This is part 2 from yesterday's oneshot!

• I changed this to a human AU, just so it makes more sense, you'll see. That means no metal alt. modes, just letting the Decepticons be human for once with no consequences instead of Holoform usage to change things up. It's kinda like a mix, well, I'll just let you read it. It's kinda messy ngl, but I like it. I've seen some use cybertronian language with their Human AU, so I added a little too.
• As always, I pick a bot for some romance, and it originally was going to be Breakdown I believe, but my sister made a good little plot for Megatron, and it was too good to pass up, so enjoy a little Megatron x reader, even though he was picked to be in the Halloween one too XD
• Also, this is going to switch POV's to change it up, so that's gonna be funnnn, and with that said, I'm ignoring the whole timeline completely. No one offlines or disappears like usual, alright? Alrighty :)
• Screamy is a yappy fucking metal b i r d

Christmas Chaos

A hand frazzled my hair, awaking me in my sleep. I didn't move, I didn't want to startle the male below me. His breathing created a pattern, letting my head resting on his chest rise and fall with the flow of oxygen.

His chest hair tickled my nose as it crinkled and rubbed against my skin. It was still slightly dark out, which means the others were probably still sleeping. My eyes drifted over to the small clock on my desk, courtesy of the warlord himself.

It was the dawning hours of Christmas morning, a tradition I was raised with. Being with the Decepticons for years now, I abandoned almost everything  from my past, that being said most things human-like, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I missed certain little traditions, especially my beloved holidays.

His hand turned back into my hair, caressing the frayed and frizzy hair that stained his chest, a clear indication of him waking up. His breathing shifted.

"Good morning, sweetspark." He whispered to me, knowing that I was already awake. He gently stroked my head and hair, tilting my head up to look at him. His face lit up with a smile as soon as he seen the early morning sun reflect off of my eyes.

"Good morning my handsome ruler." I whisper, climbing up him to plant a kiss on his lips. He smiled though the kiss, grabbing the side of my face to bring me closer. We've been a couple for three years now, who knew a regular, every day human can soften the coldest of sparks.

With his free hand, he reached for the blanket and wrapped it around the two of us, picking me up with him as he stood and stretched with me still in his arms. For these three years the whole crew started to use the full holoforms Shockwave created for me, which was really sweet. I wonder if they honestly were told to use them, or if it became a hobby over time...
Some even used human language! It's like one big mixed family.

"Merry Christmas" I muttered under my breath to him, immediately regretting it after the words came out of my lips. I never really did explain many human traditions.

"Merry...what?" He questioned down to me. I nervously laughed as I shuffled in his arms.

"Sorry, that just came out. Christmas is a holiday I used to celebrate, but it doesn't matter. Want me to make coffee?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Nonono, I want to know more about this 'Christmas.' If it brought you joy, why didn't you tell me about this sooner? You know I would've allowed it." Megatron said, walking out to the energon re-fuel room with me still in his arms.

"No, I know you would've, I guess I just kept it to myself this whole time." I shrugged to myself as he put me down and entered the code for the room. I went over and started to make coffee.

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