Trapped with you~ Wheeljack x Fast! Femme reader

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Requested by: myki_fox

• Cliche and fluffy :3
• Set before the war
• Y/D has cute little wheel pedes, like wheelie shoes. Think of that for a reference lmao
• Y/D is also a shy bean in dis one

Trapped with you

"Hold the door please!" A young white mech called from the lobby. As on instinct, I immediately held the two steel doors from closing. He made it, and I let go, letting him take control. He pushed the doors apart enough to wiggle his way into the elevator with me.

"Thank you....?" The mech said, hinting at wanting my designation.

"Y/D." I say in return, before nodding and keeping to myself on the far side of the elevator.

"Pretty designation." He said, smiling. I muttered back a simple and quiet "Thank you."

"The name's Wheeljack, I just moved into this complex not too long ago, being on the top floor is tough, ya know?" He said, clearly trying to make small-talk.
I nodded and agreed with him.

"I'm on the top floor too." I say, becoming shy again. I usually never talk to anyone I just randomly meet, this is definitely a first.

"Oh nice, I haven't had a chance to go around and introduce myself yet." He said, clearly still wanting to talk. I smiled back.

The ride grew silent and awkward, before the doors opened, letting more cybertronians join us on our journey.
The elevator shook a little with the added weight, causing me to shut my optics before everything went back to normal. I opened them, just to meet this new mech's orbs staring back at me. I didn't say or do anything, and as soon as I opened mine fully, he returned back to looking at the floor, to the ceiling, basically everywhere but me.

This was the bad thing about living on the top floor of a huge apartment building. It takes forever to get to your floor, there's so many pit stops to the lower floors first. The elevator is programmed to stop at the floors closest to the others, not by button order, as the majority are.

I just wanted to get to my room, but no. More cybertronians walked in, going to their floor first, as it was only four floors down.

"This is why the top floor sucks." Wheeljack whispered to me, through the other civilians. I nodded and agreed as normal. It truly did suck.

After the others got off, our stop was next. The elevator shook a little more. Me living here as long as I have, I knew this wasn't common. Something was wrong.

"T-The elevator doesn't shake like this n-normally." I say with stuttering breaths.

Before the mech, named Wheeljack, could speak up, the Elevator stopped dead in it's tracks. I internally started to panic, grabbing the rail as support.

"What in the-" Wheeljack didn't get to finish his sentence, just as the elevator fell.
And Damn did it fall hard. Hard and fast.

"Y/D, Are you aright?" Wheeljack asks, helping me up from the ground. The lights flickered and were much dimmer than before.

"I'm okay, but Primus, are you hurt?"
I asked, seeing his side, which leaked a little energon.

"I'll be fine, I'm worried about your arm, though." He said, pointing to my right arm.

"My arm?" I questioned, trailing his vision to my arm, metal ripped and leaking profusely.

I fully got up now, trying to push the metal back, and scrap it hurt.

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