(Not so) Perfect Anniversary~ Knockout x Female reader + Cons

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-Not requested-

I know it's a lot, but please read beforehand :)

• This is a sequel to "(Not so) Perfect Honeymoon." If you haven't read that one or can't remember it, maybe go back and read/skim it. You don't need to read it before this one, but I recommend it to catch my hidden little references :)
• This is gonna be a funny yet really fluffy and cute one (Rip screamer😂)
If you've seen from the title already, it's "+ Cons" which means the Decepticons are all together in this one having a big 'ol great time
• H o l o f o r m s
• Megsy is a little out of character...
• Both cybertronian and human words are used, alternating between them!
• Laserbeak being a cute bean and a smol child as always, oh, and Soundwave speaks.
Important thank you note at the end, Squid fam. Make sure you read that for me :')

(Not so) Perfect Anniversary

"Good morning, baby."

The soothing voice of his lover swept over his ears and gently brought him back to reality, feeling her soft and warm hands slither around his waistline, hugging him from behind.

His colder hands found hers, entrapping them within his hold. He flipped himself around now so he could properly hug his wife. "You know, our anniversary is tomorrow." She spoke.

"It's been a year already? Time really does go fast when you're living a good life." He smiled, lifting up her chin to kiss her. Her arms moved up now, wrapping around his neck.

"HEY, WE'RE GONNA NEED SOME MORE OF THIS TOOTHPASTE STUFF SOON." Breakdown yelled from across the small house, Knockout closing his eyes as he dragged a hand through his hair, almost as if that would help his built up stress just disappear.

"What am I gonna do with him." he muttered, letting his wife go as they both looked to the bathroom, seeing Breakdown peek out from said bathroom, mouth full of toothpaste. He was also wearing Knockout's two sizes too small Gucci red robe.

"Why are you wearing my robe?!" Knockout said, seeing Breakdown shrug and wipe his mouth with his shoulder, catching any extra toothpaste as he disappeared back into the bathroom.

Knockout facepalmed.

Arcadia started to cry from their room, most likely from the yelling. Y/N ran to get her, leaving a frustrated Knockout all alone in his kitchen, going over to pour his coffee.

"First he ruined our honeymoon, now our first wedding anniversary weekend. Great." Knockout muttered to himself, going to the fridge and eyeing the milk. He saw the caramel right next to the milk as well, thinking about it before he grabbed both. He poured a little more milk than needed, before secretly dumping a little caramel in and putting both away, mixing it all up.

"Someone's cranky" Y/N said, burping their daughter on her shoulder. Knockout smiled and put his coffee down, holding out his arms for his three-month old daughter. He cradled her on one of his arms as Breakdown came walking into the room, fully dressed now.

"Okay, breakfast is on me today. Eggs? Toast? Y/N, want your favorite, pancakes? I got the mix right hereeeee-" Breakdown sang, heading for the cabinets. When he found out Knockout and Y/N were moving out of the Nemesis he was spark-broken, not wanting to lose his best friends. But, he understood why they were leaving him. Well they were gone for about only three weeks before he got the call that he was going to be a uncle...


"Okay, Okay, is this thing on? Can you guys see me?" Breakdown said, getting closer to the camera on his monitor in the medbay. He wiped it and got dangerously close.

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