Fall Harvest~ Autobots x Female reader

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Requested by 14thOriginalPrime

I know you said "Femme reader" but with everyone being in holoform anyways I figured it didn't matter as much. Hope you don't mind!

• This is a two part story! I mean, they really aren't connected but a Decepticon version was requested alongside. Different activities all related to fall :))
• As always with these stories I add a little subplot of love from the comedy and fun portion, this time it's gonna be with Ratchet :3
•All are going to be using their holoform for human activities!
• For every Autobot holoform story, Bee will be able to talk, and I'll add this little message :)

Fall Harvest

"I am not so sure about this."

"Look, follow my movement. You put your foot-pede, up on the wagon here and pull yourself up."

Optimus tilted his head down, almost disappointed with me. "I know how to get into the wagon, Y/N. I am just not sure I want to."

"Oh come on, Prime. We're all here waiting for ya." Wheeljack patted the seat next to him. "Besides we need a leader to help us out with these holoforms."

Optimus grunted formally, grabbing the two wagon handles to hoist himself up. "Are you positive this is beneficial?"

"Don't make me start calling you Grandpa instead of Ratchet!" Miko yelled with her finger, Bulkhead beside her gasping and pulling the young teenager back to sit down and shut up.

Ratchet grumbled next to me, the rumble in his speech making my head come off of his chest. "I am not that old."

"Just right, if you ask me." I said, kissing the bridge of his nose. "Say, when does this hayride start?"

"As soon as the others get here. We're missing like, half the team." Wheeljack retorted, kicking his humanized legs up. "I can get used to these, they're so lightweight."

"That's cause you're small." Bulkhead laughed, slapping his knee.

"I am not! I'm 5'9! That's a average male height, so if anything you're abnormal, all of ya."

Optimus coughed, his 6'4 frame sulking low.

"The party has arrived~" A young voice called, clicking and locking his car as he strolled on over to us. He fixed his hair and shirt, and those bright blue eyes and baby face gave it all away, minus us all just seeing his car and hearing his voice.

"Smokescreen you look amazing!" Miko chirped, The young kid confidently smiling as he gripped both the bars and squished himself in. Of course the back of this wagon wasn't crowded...yet.

"I commed Bee, him and Raf will be here soon. I don't know about the others." Smokescreen spoke, grabbing a piece of straw and mimicking Miko by also putting it in the corner of his mouth.

My phone vibrated, the small scare nevertheless made me jump. "Jack's almost here, he texted me and said they got stuck in traffic." I said, putting my phone back down into my lap.

Just about five minutes after Smokey arrived we seen the familiar light blue and red truck pull up and park right under the shade of the oak trees. Seems like most of us were shocked to see the man ruffle out and slam his door shut, fixing his tight collar and button up, slightly wrinkled from his posture.

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