Wild side~ Soundwave x Femme reader

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Requested by LuaKitsune
So sorry for the wait!!

• The reader is a Gamer
• For this story, you're also a flyer- whether it be a seeker, jet, helicopter, that's all up to you
• Laserbeak will talk for this, as well as Soundwave
• short story :)
• Uh, I use profanity in my writing every now and again but fair warning if vulgar swears trigger you, the story starts with a "boom", as you can already probably see lol

Wild side


"Language! Frag's sake."


"There's a difference between Cybertronian and Human profanity Y/D, at least the kids don't know what I'm saying."

The spikey-haired boy poked his face from the side of his laptop resting on his lap to look at the medical bot in annoyance. "I know Cybertronian quite well actually, isn't that right Bee?"

Bumblebee was indeed in the base but decided it was best to bud out and head to the training room. With all the ruckus I failed to remember the new round of the shooting game previously started on the tv, the sound of my character "dying" online could be heard as I angrily sighed and tossed the remote. "This was a stupid game, anyways."

"Hey- I paid 20 bucks for that one!" Miko rolled her eyes as she pushed off the human couch to pop a new game in.

As the human femme chose a new game I seen the invite from a certain player pop down asking me to be in his party. I freaked and decided a fake choking session would be best to get the eyes and optics away from the screen.

"You okay?" Everyone said in their own way as I dramatically held my sides. When I seen the message disappear I cleared up my fake-out.

"I'm good, I'm good."

"Get her some Energon." Ratchet ordered, seeing Bumblebee now standing right next to the cabinet as he nodded and reached in.

"Nono, guys I'm good. I promise I'm good." I hit my chassis, clearing up my voice. I turned to Miko. "Why don't you play for me? I'm going to get some recharge." I quickly logged out and made a mental note to never allow my profile be envisioned by everyone again.

As the Asian girl nodded and jumped onto the couch after loading her chosen game I got up and walked myself to my room, sighing in relief with the sound of the door clicking shut.

With everyone out of mind I could focus on the moment and went to my datapad, seeing another message pop down from a certain gamertag.

Wave0107: "Miss Y/D, are you up to play something with me?"

I blushed, the way he calls me "miss" was just adorable to me.

Mangofruit008: You almost just got me in trouble! Dear primus my spark.. What do you have in mind?

Wave0107: I don't know, but what I do know is that you'll need your privacy. Playing with a Decepticon is quite dangerous I hear. We are pretty good at winning, after all.

I snickered, snorting at this guy's over-confidence of superiority. The 'con in question was Soundwave, and after secretly getting to know him for the past few months he had me feeling devious; sneaky and cunning just like him. One may say I even liked the thrill at times.

Transformers || OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora