Hanahaki~ Dreadwing x Female reader

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Requested by: Sailoxo

• This is a Hanahaki oneshot! I'll post the definition before the story kicks off
• Dreadwing is in his holoform for parts of dis
• Announcement at the end of dis story :3

For anyone who doesn't know what "Hanahaki" means:

Hanahaki is a fictional disease in which a character of choice falls ill due to the dreaded feeling of one-sided love. Hanahaki disease makes the character appear fine, but on the inside they're dying. They cough up flower petals, usually their lover's favorite type of flower. If their lover doesn't feel the same way, or doesn't confess/fix the relationship, then the character will sadly start to perish away, leaving hanahaki in control. If they do confess/fix the relationship, the burning will start to fade and the petals will be no more. They won't perish, they'll blossom.

There is another way of treating Hanahaki, and that is to reverse it. Once it's manually reversed, you will lose your love for the other, like you never loved them before. Sad, I know.

(I chose to write my spin on Hanahaki disease, It's a little different but I've had this idea for a long time!)


The moon was extra big and beautiful tonight, I could see the white light play with shadows on my ceiling. It was pitch black outside, the only light being shown through my window. Quiet, small constant small clicks on the wall mounted clock was the only sound that echoed through my head as a lay motionless, trying to fight this demon inside.

My hand lay flat on my stomach, a pail right beside my bed.
I knew it was any day now.
I'm not sure what happened to me, but I felt the burning getting worse, and I know if something doesn't change soon i'm going to die, just like the flowers that come up.

My heart beat was jumping around, playing a tricky game of jump rope with my veins. My stomach flipped and twisted, having me constantly tossing and turning every night.

He doesn't care. If he cared he would be here with me. I'm probably in my last final hours and just as I predicted, I am going to die all alone. As the tears run down my face, only images of him popped in now, making my stomach burn greater than before.

I quickly grabbed the pail, emptying my soul into the small wicker basket. A beautiful array of delicate purple and blue pansies came flooding out, the petals lightly floating to the bottom of the pale, joining it's brothers and sisters.

All I could do was lay there and take it. No medicine can cure this, I don't even know what was happening to me, never have I heard of throwing up flower petals a normal thing.

I do know something though, this was happening to me because of him, that dreaded Decepticon.

The second time the flowers came out, I realized they were pansies, his favorite, and the ones he always used to bring me. I don't know if this was a sign for something, or if I was that delusional that I was dreaming of coughing up flower petals.

The burning was real though, that I know. It was so bad that I silently prayed to be taken right now, just to end this feeling.

I tracked back to when this all started, and I realized the first night of coughing up a singular purple petal was the first day Dreadwing got infuriated at me and slammed the door in my face on the Nemesis. Since then, this terrible sickness trapped itself inside me, and we grew apart. I knew he had to have played a part in this somehow, there was too many coincidences.

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