A/N + Updates & Face reveal???

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Hey guys! Squishy's here with a little update about life, the future of my writing, etc

As you all probably noticed, I've been distant. I hate it, I know, but a part of me is just...bleh

I love writing. I still have a billion requests almost from a year ago now, but sadly I've found myself maturing. I'm 18 almost
19, I have a good job, a boyfriend, and future plans. This isnt a "omg I fell out of the fandom might return later or never xoxo" post, no, I absolutely love my mechs and Transformers with all my heart. It makes me happy, my comfort :)

But what's been bothering me is my lack of motivation. I still have ideas, I want to continue writing, everything just becomes difficult at a certain point in life. No, I'm not leaving. I love my fans (you guys) and I love my books, even if I find them cringe at times. I honestly wrote this all out because I don't know what the future holds. I can't do this forever, and after my requests are done I don't really know what's gonna happen- either I continue on or stop or just have long update windows- no clue.

At one point in my life I truly felt lonely. Unloved. Blah blah blah- so I turned to my beloved franchise. My mechs! This whole Wattpad world. I found comfort in what "love" could feel like through writing all these cheesy romantic fantasy stories...and then I was able to fall in love with one of my best friends that I've known for over 3 years. Suddenly love wasn't just about fiction.

Now I don't want you guys hating on him, he makes me very happy 😂 sure he stopped my mech craze, (kinda, I still love them 😳) but he's very sweet and genuinely my person. Bonus points, he loves bumblebee! I got him into loving transformers,

Anyways, he's made me so happy that I find myself struggling to write about fictional romance when I've found real romance. That sounds so incredibly dumb but I know some of y'all get it. Again, I'm not leaving, things are just different in my head.

I've posted a face reveal on my art book and labeled it appropriately because I know some people have their own image of the author painted in their minds but I figured, eh why not.

So take a monkey picture and a cute one of me and him 😂

So take a monkey picture and a cute one of me and him 😂

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Oh and this was two days ago lol

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Oh and this was two days ago lol. I met murr! And yes I mostly wear glasses lol

I'm also 5'1- I know, shawty

This isn't a goodbye, I don't expect to see those begging comments now do I..? 👀
I am going to try my best. I don't know what's in store for the future, no one really does lol. But for now I'm going to chillax and take one day at a time. I'm happy, and I hope everyone reading this is, too :) you're too young to wear a frown!! That happens at about, mmm, 30 🤣

I'm currently writing a Soundwave oneshot so that should be up within the week if not tomorrow. My lemon book is another story, however. Picturing bots railing things is a whole new ballgame and idk what to do there- because that's the most difficult thing to write when you have a partner. I feel like I'm not supposed to be writing about optimus doing tHinGs when I have a lover LMAO. That will be the very last thing I do or take care of, idk maybe it'll change when I read my requests needing to get done.

As for my stories: uh..

Playing with Fire is my favorite, I do plan on writing that one until the end and it's going to be a long while until that happens with all my awesome plans..lol

What else do I have? Ohh uh Desire- I should really update that one. And don't get me started on my What if? book. Those both need updates.

My Headcanon book is oki- I got a few requests needing to get done still, and Irreplaceable you was completed in June in case you missed that.

I see all of your comments, and I do really appreciate all the support since I came on here in 2020. This book is almost at 100k! That's insane! 😭 Honestly it's changed me. Although there is that mature side of me growing up, there's still a side wanting to stay and so I stay. Hate to break it to you though, my writing might or might not change. I'm going to play it by year and see what happens.

To end it off, I figured I might do a little Q & A. I've always wanted to do one of these! Whether it be about my personal life, Wattpad life, favorite lyric, saddest movie to watch, personal stories, how I met Ty, favorite bot, favorite books, that one time I made a 6 year old cry, anything. I'm in that type of mood lol. Squishy has the answers, muhahahaha

I hope you all are having a good morning/afternoon/ night. I figured I'd just give a little update and explain a few things, cracking into my personal life a little. One final time: I'm not leaving. Trust me, it makes me sad to see Wattpad users leave, too. I know our time will come, as sad as that sounds but I'm not leaving right now :) with my life going in the direction it is updates will become more spaced, though. I told myself I was going to write all summer and look what happened! 😂 eh, things happen. I can't put so much pressure on myself, otherwise things are going to change for the worse and I'd snap one day, I know myself all too well lol.

I do love you guys, and I hope the majority understands my difficulties


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