A field of stars~ Starscream x Femme seeker reader

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-Not requested-

• Don't kill me, I know I have many requests to catch up on but I decided to finish one of my own for a change-
• Art is by me, and inspired this story when I drew it a few months ago. I never got around to finishing a story for the art piece until now

A field of stars

Not much could be remembered on the fateful night of East Circa 92. The seekers just came back from their nightly little flying routine, touching down on their metal fortress before stretching their wings and heading to their individualized rooms.

"It's a beautiful night."

"Indeed it is. Sadly we don't see many dazzling nights like this as we once did." The male seeker's words left his intake in a huff, talons tapping the metal railing as his femme stood close by. The stars were out and they were huge tonight, almost close enough to reach out and grab one if you desired.

"Why don't you love me anymore, Starscream?"

The question didn't come as a shock, more of a relieving feeling to finally address their turning relationship. Although he grew bitter at the thought and was displeased with her words, he stopped tapping on the railing and thought about the claim. It would be foolish to ask her why such a question was stated but he positively already knew his answer.

"There is a war upon us, why are you so selfish femme?" He spit to the ground. "What we all want today rather than love is power. Cosmic power in dark times like these."

The female seeker beside him stayed quiet as he broke into a rant about what power can do for a being as she looked out into the field of stars. He missed her single tear of lubricant rushing down the south side of her faceplate, though. Surely the bright light they were staring at could cover that up in an instant.

After she waited patiently for her highness' words to come to a halt she turned to him and bowed in any respect she had left. "You're a different mech than who I fell in love with, dear sparkmate. Whether all you want is power or not, I hope you gain what you seek." And with that, she left him standing alone on their tower before he could agree with her further. The ringing from the metal banister soon stopped without the constant echo of another metal being bumping the surface as he sighed.

Dismissing her words like always he stiflingly waved her away and rolled his optics, putting both servos back on the railing to peer out into the growing night sky.

The stars only seemingly started to get closer and closer, concerning the young seeker as soon enough his aura fizzled away and was washed with a chocolatey night sky of burning hot stars all around him.

The bright orbs taunted him; whispering their fortunes correctly. The stars of various sizes were known for their power, something only Starscream could ever dream about holding for himself.

As the seeker swirled in the night sky all around he could help but call out. "Where am I!" He demanded. "How did I get here?!"

He didn't know whom he was talking to quite honestly, but one thing led to another and now he's in his own galaxy, walking among the prettiest and brightest of white stars.

Gazing at it's fields of contrasting beauty, the seeker shielded his optics at the bright light they gave off. His wings fluttered in delight with his stroll as his thoughts turned all around, reaching out to hold any of these stars but failing.

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