Closure~ Bumblebee x Femme reader

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I drew the picture tho! :3

• Quite possibly one of the saddest Oneshots I have yet to write
• Some depressing thoughts
•Bumblebee doesn't deserve this sadness 😭
• One of my favorites
• Yes I cry every fragging time I read this one no joke XD
• Get some tissues hun
• Story takes place after the Cybertron restoration
• Bee has his voice
• Optimus is gone


"Where on Cybertron is he?"

I checked almost everywhere, and nothing. He shut his personal comm link off, so I couldn't even talk to him.
I know he has a lot on his mind, losing the ones you love in battle is hard, but he needs to know he can't shut the world and the bots he loves out.
There was one more place I was willing to try.
I have a feeling he'll be there. If not, then I guess I have no choice but to wait until he shows up.

I transformed and started to make my way to our spot.
Our little balcony overlooked the beautiful city and lights.
We made many memories in this exact spot. It was here where he asked me to be his so long ago. Of course, when the war broke out on our planet everything was destroyed.
Our apartment building was still standing, so I assume our spot still remains.
I transformed back and walked into the desolate building. It was nighttime, so it happened to be extra dark.

Rubble was everywhere, and the empty lobby was covered in a thick layer of grime, mold and dust, and showed the definite signs of abandonment and age. Things were thrown everywhere, but nothing has been touched for a long time.
What once was a bright, happy safe-haven became an obstacle in a war's pathway. Everything on Cybertron for that matter. Almost every standing building looked like this. I turned on my headlights and made my way up the filthy stairs.

My memory took me to my front door.
Five flights up, two doors down on the left. I gently pushed the door open, seeing it was unlocked. Our apartment looked almost the same as when we left.
I got caught in memory lane for a second. I started to wander down the hallway, seeing all the happy pictures on the wall of the two of us. There was debris everywhere and in the atmosphere, but it didn't really effect me.
Our kitchen table had some of our photos laid out. Some were of Optimus and him when he was a younger bot.
Now I know for sure Bee is here. Both of us didn't leave our house like this. I went to the stairs and started to make my way to our berthroom.

I pushed the berthroom door open, optics darting to the screened-in patio first. It was dark, but I could make out the faint glow of blue through the glass and the curtain-like material. I pushed the door open.

"I had a feeling you'd be here..."

Bumblebee lit up and smiled gently seeing me make my way towards him, closing the door behind me. As soon as I was in arms reach, Bee pulled me down to cradle me in his massive arms. We stayed like that for a while in pure silence, until I heard a low sob. I felt something wet hit my shoulder and back plates.

"I can't believe they're all gone, i'm just so in shock, this was all so sudden."

I squeezed him tighter, and let him cry onto my back. He's only been this emotional one time in his life, and that was a long time ago in this exact spot. He only ever shows his weakened side to me, and I let him. It's okay to cry sometimes, no matter how brave you seem.

"I don't know how I can go on. Such an important part of my life has been ripped away from me, and now I feel like the rest of my life isn't worth living...they'll never get to experience what they risked their lives for.
Cybertron is beautiful, Y/D.
They'll never get to see their home thrive again.
I feel like I failed...I've, I've lost so much..."

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