Camping~ Autobots x Female reader

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-Not requested-

• This is a funnier oneshot featuring every Autobot wrapped up in one fun story (Y'all I can't really explain it lmao)
• Features some Smokescreen x reader
• Wheeljack being a ass this whole time
• Probably one of my favorites XD
• This chapter is EXTREMELY LONG so I apologize, but it's worth it!


"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

All of the eyes were on us. I dealt "paper" while the younger Japanese female played "rock."

"Ha! Y/N finally comes out victorious for once!" I cheered myself on, meanwhile Miko rolled her eyes at my victory dance. Raf went against Miko, and I faced off with Jack. Jack and Raf were eliminated, and I just won to Miko.

If there was no active Decepticon activity one of us got to choose a human activity for the weekend through their holoforms. Last weekend Jack won, and he chose to go visit Great Britain for the day. I only got to pick one time before today, and I've had this idea for a long time.

"So Y/N, what's the plan?" Arcee said, leaning against the pole. The other Autobots came closer, ready to hear my idea. Smokescreen was smiling down to me and gave me a thumbs up. He was my guardian and I spent most of my time with him, so he knew how bad I wanted to win this week.


If Ratchet was drinking something, he would've spit it out all dramatically all over his computer.

"Camping? No thanks. I have read about certain events of human culture, one of them being camping. I have no way of keeping track of any active alerts, or any tele-communication for that matter."

Ultra Magnus stepped into the conversation. "I would have to agree with our Medical officer Ratchet."

I rolled my eyes and continued down the small steps of the military base.

"Oh c'mon, that's the whole point! There's supposed to be no electronics available, just nature and your loved ones. I promise it'll be worth it, I've been waiting so long to go camping, we can go pick up some supplies and hit the road in an hour."

Optimus Prime came out of nowhere and put his right servo on Ratchet's shoulder.

"Take it easy, old friend. The Decepticon activity is down to a minimal. I deem Y/N's idea granted."

Ratchet huffed under his breath, and Ultra Magnus looked unfazed. Deep down you knew he was screaming at the Prime.

"What are we waiting for? All of you leave your alt. chips on the counter and let's hit the road. We have to go get supplies first, so Bulkhead, set your GPS to the nearest Super-center store. We'll all pile in your alt since you have third row seating."

Bumblebee, Arcee, Smokescreen, and Wheeljack transformed into their Holoforms and placed their chips on the counter. Every weekend when we would all do something together, The Autobots used their holoforms so they can blend into society. Me and Miko took it farther when we forced them to leave their chips out, meaning they cannot transform back into their Cybertronian forms at all until they plug the chip back in. Most of the Autobots were okay with it, they actually liked feeling human for once.
It was Ratchet and Ultra Magnus who fought us every week. Optimus used his holoforn like everyone else, and he was the only one who kept his chip. He was the leader, and if anything ever happened at least we had a backup. Since Bulkhead was driving, he'd have to keep his chip too.

"There is no way I'm being crammed into a small car with a bunch of irritating humans for an hour." Ratchet said, looking down to the tiny humans and then back to the other two bots who hasn't transformed yet.

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