Perfect to me~ Smokescreen x Female reader (valentines special)

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Hey guys, G here.

Well, as I write this chapter I'm suffering from grief and loss of my grandma who passed in the evening of February 10th, 2021. Even though this chapter isn't about her nor her life like my oneshot "False lies" is, but I'm going to dedicate it in her spirit, because I knew just how proud she was of me and my loved hobby of writing. By the time this chapter gets published it will be 4 days later, and even though it will sting for a long, long time, I need to focus my mind on something, and that something is something both her and I loved. Writing.

This one is for you, Grandma. Thank you for being such a blessing in my life.

Moving on from the sad stuff, This was not requested.

• This is a Valentines special, so its going to, of course, have lots of love 🥰
• The pressure of making the big "Valentine's special" got to me. I write love stories for Pete's sake! Sorry if this one isn't the best, although I love it :3
• Flashbacks galore 0.o

Perfect to me

"Optimus, what is tomorrow?" Smokescreen asked the tall red and blue bot. Optimus stopped his work to look down at his practically "adopted sparking."

"Smokescreen, what do you mean?" He asked in all reality, thinking about the current events of the day and what possibly could be held tomorrow.

"Salentimes day. You know, the human holiday Y/N and the kids celebrate." The young bot said with a happy glimmer in his bright optics. Optimus smiled.

"You must mean Valentines day." He corrected for Smokescreen to shake his head like a sparkling.

"Y/N is special to me, and I know how much she brings up this holiday, so I want to do something special for her." He smiled at the thought of the human he loved. How she laughed at his terrible jokes, how she joined in on his midnight racing fiascos whenever the two got competitive, and how she could brighten his day in an instant from the simplest "Good morning."

"Valentines day is aimed towards affection, young one. Are you aware of that?" Optimus asked, which pushed Smokescreen to answer him from his daze.

"Optimus, I think I love her. No, I know I love her. I want to tell her tomorrow, it's the perfect chance. Everything would be perfect, I just know it." The Rookie gushed to himself. He sure does have a bad case of lover's sickness.

"Don't aim to be perfect, Smokescreen. Sometimes perfection isn't what you seek." Optimus reminded. 'Y/N loves you for you, and you, my friend, are not perfect. No bot is, and no one looks for perfection." Optimus said, putting his servo on the mech's smaller shoulder plating. "No one wants a picture perfect relationship. Sometimes, you need to throw in that one thing that breaks the rules in order to shake the game up. When the time is right, you'll know."

"Thanks, Sire. I'll keep that in the back of my processor." Smokescreen added, smiling up to his role model. Only in these times he felt comfortable enough to call him sire, and he knew how much Optimus really loved hearing it. The gentle prime always wanted a true sparkling of his own, and now he's fortunate enough to have that bond with Smokescreen.

"Now, From my prior knowledge, Valentines day happens once a human year. That doesn't mean you can't treat your sparkmate like everyday is Valentines day..." Optimus started, pulling up a page that explained the human holiday better to the two of them from the monitor.

Ratchet stood not too far away, tinkering with a few tools on his desk. He was always fixing something or purely creating something useful. He smiled to himself, hearing the conversation unfold throughout the night.

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