Letting go (2) ~ Ratchet x Female reader

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-Literally everyone requested a second part-

This is the second part to my chapter of the same name, so if for some reason you're reading this one without reading the first part, I suggest you go do so. Or, simply to refresh your memories, since it's been a while.

• This Story somewhat picks up in the RID time-era, so of course I changed the plot around a little, like Ratchet's backstory of getting back to Earth and all.
• The first part was written in a weird sort of way, but I really liked it. It was a mix of 3rd and something else, so I tried to incorporate that same writing style back.
• The happy doctor gets his grOoVe back :3

Small little recap if you don't feel like re-reading that chapter (I would REALLY suggest rereading or skimming the first part,  you're going to miss out on all the small details I'm going to add):

After Ratchet took the synthen, his whole persona changed, leaving him a completely changed bot. Y/N didn't like that side of him, especially when he became rude and cruel. The last time they saw each other was when Ratchet told her he didn't need her anymore. Y/N was left in the dark on his desk. She wrote him a note, and left to start new. Ratchet went to challenge the Decepticon warlord, failing miserably and almost offlining in the process. When he miraculously wakes up once the synthen is drained from his body, he's realized his mistakes. He goes to look for Y/N, but she's gone. He looks for her, for days, months and more. He decides to stay on Earth in case she ever comes back, but one day when Ultra Magnus is fatally injured, Ratchet gets called back to Cybertron. He does what he needs to do, and goes to walk back through the portal, but doesn't. He allows the portal to close around him, declaring  that "some things are left broken" and that he has a new goal: to never forget the memories he will always have.

Letting go (2)

Her heart was breaking more and more as her feet took her dancing across the hot sands of Jasper, Nevada.

She didn't know where she was going, she's practically homeless now. Thinking back, was it too soon to judge the situation? What if this "new Ratchet" wasn't permanent like she predicted?

She thought about her choice to impulsively leave. She can still go back, but does she want to? A human and a cybertronian couldn't work out, it simply couldn't. She would grow old one day while he practically stays the same.

As much as her conscious was screaming at her to turn around, and that this was all a big mistake, she kept pushing on, through the tears and quite literally, the sand.

Finally, she wiped her tears away once she trekked all the way back to civilization. Her old life, a life without the Autobots, a life without her family.

Her teary-eyed face looked rustic and aged from crying for so long. She knew she couldn't stay here, there's too many memories and a chance of being found. It wasn't long after she made the choice to get out of this state, after all, there was no one here for her anymore.

The long, unpaved road she'd follow.


"Good evening miss. Crown City?" The middle-aged bus driver said, letting the crowed bus come to a stop.

"Anywhere but here." She replied with a broken smile, handing him a crinkled bill. She climbed onboard, and found a quiet seat farther back. The bus roared back to life, and off she went, seeing the little bit of what remained of Jasper stray away from her eyes, as the bus drove past the sparkling green sign without a second thought.

Now leaving Jasper, Nevada. Hope to see you soon!


The portal to Earth just closed right in from of him, leaving him with the sinking feeling of regret. He knew Cybertron was his home, he knew he should stay here, so why was he feeling so guilty? So sad? As much as his mind tried to play games, he knew better than to allow himself to sub-consciously submit to these feelings of regret.

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