Fall Harvest (2)~ Decepticons x Female reader

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Also requested by 14thOriginalPrime

Like the last chapter, you requested with "Femme reader" but with everyone being in holoform anyways I figured it didn't matter as much. Hope you don't mind!

• This is a two part story! I mean, they really aren't connected but a Decepticon version was requested alongside. Different activities all related to fall vibes :))
•All are going to be using their holoform for human activities!
• Everyone is alive and well!
• As always I add a little subplot besides the comedy and activities, and as a continuation from last time the love interest is/was Megatron :3
• Oh yeahhhh...remember last years Halloween chapter where I put the Decepticons through a haunted house and it was freaking hilarious? Consider this a sequel with added bonuses😈

Fall Harvest (2)

Shiny, wax-covered, and perfectly plump.

That's how I would describe the little red apple that hung so perfectly in a valley of apple orchard trees. I felt bad for wanting to pick the small delicate fruit from its home, but I found my hand twisting and yoinking the red blossom anyways against my will. When I glanced down to my basket and seen the other apples slightly rolling around, I didn't feel quite as bad as before.

There was no doubt in mind this was a perfect picturesque Autumn day, the ruffling of the leaves only awakened my inner sense of childhood and the leaf piles I would create in this time of year. But time ticked on, I grew taller, smarter, and my hair was long down past my shoulders. I've aged and matured, but the simple little thoughts never left me.

I thought back to a time where life wasn't so complicated. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with how my life turned out so far, but the two stages in which I classify childhood and adulthood were immensely different. I lived in a time where myself and the neighborhood kids would stay out until the moon called us home without a worry of the streets, and nowadays nowhere was safe, especially when beings not if this world joined the party, setting out to seek and rule. It honestly didn't help that I willingly wanted to help and be a part of the wrong cause for something as stupid as love. Oh Y/N, what happened to that pure child you once were?

"I see you" I whispered, head slightly tilted from the orchard rows and looking beyond to the next set of trees with similar blossoms. My hand was still connected to one of its offerings, snapping me back into life with the actual snap of the small apple stem falling from the tree into my basket I held to my stomach.

"Well it indeed adds up, I'm wearing dark clothes in a field of bright light." The husky man said to me, head tilting down to look me in the eyes once I made my way over to him. His own hair was ruffled by the wind similar to mine, every battle scar he wore was stone delicately on top of his toned skin.

"I admire you" he whispered, the sound fading away with the wind intensity picking up around us, the leaves dancing with joy.

"I know." I said with a hush, lips moving in sync. "In love with a human. It's been what? A good three years and you still can't shake me off?"

"I would never try and dismantle the love of my life, my queen." He said, and that's when I knew this was one of the rare extremely affectionate moments the warlord and I would share to date. We were inseparable, and every day our characters grew more with each other. Just thinking back to last year, the character development was predominante.

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