Lost~ Megatron x Femme Gladiator reader

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• Half Megatronus/Half Megatron in the story, this part is Megatronus :D
• A little sad
• Cliche and cute
• Megsy being cute and adorable, hehe
• This story is loooong


"Our next competitor came all the way straight from the capital city of Iacon! A rare femme gladiator, who challenged the undefeated Megatronus. let's welcome Y/D to the arena!"

Once I got the green light, I quickly jogged to the center of the arena, hearing the cheers all around me echo out.
I waved to the cheering crowd, and soon found myself face-to-chassis with the infamous Megatronus.
I wasn't the tallest femme, but definitely not the shortest.
He eyed me up and down, and sent me a gentle smile.
I extended my servo to greet the mech, in which he instantly held and greeted back.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Y/D. I've never been challenged by a femme before."
Megatronus added, before letting my servo drift back to my side.

"And to you, Megatronus. Don't go easy on me, I want a fair fight."

Megatronus chuckled, before bowing down to my right audio receptor. He spoke in his deep, gravelly voice that seemed to penetrate right through me.

"I wasn't planning on it."


The announcer stepped out of the ring, and declared the battle to begin on the count of three.

Both me and Megatronus started to circle each other, while the crowd counted down. He had a gentle smile on his face, as he studied me again.
Since I was a gladiator, my frame was a bit bulkier than the average femme. I wore heavier armor on when fighting. It protected me, and made me feel a bit more safe out in the ring.

"Like what you see?"

Megatronus made optic contact with me once again, and laughed at my sentence.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't."

The crowd screamed out the last part of the countdown, and continued to cheer both of us on. We both drew our weapons, both being different forms of a battle sword.

I swung first, catching the giant Mech off guard. He gracefully dodged my strike, and charged at me next. He had the perfect timing to deal some good damage, but he quickly changed pace, leaving me waiting for the strike, which never came.
I shut my optics as it was instinct, but immediately opened them and looked around for him. He was behind me, and as soon as I turned around to see him, I fell straight on my aft, being secretly tripped in the process. the wind was knocked out of me, but luckily I was able to mutter out some words.

"Aw, whats the matter? Too afraid to properly fight back? C'mon Megs, I can handle a few dents and scratches, if you're lucky enough to inflict any, that is."

Megatronus rolled his optics, faking that he was annoyed. He laughed again, and extended his servo down to her, helping her up.

"Nicknames already? Looks like i'm not the only one who already saw a future for us.
That was merely a practice round, just to see how predictable your technique really is.
Watch your words, femme.
Or I might inflict worse, although It would pain me to see that beautiful frame ruined."

My faceplate started to heat up and I prayed to Primus my fans didn't turn on. I can't focus on his subliminal flirting, For now I put his words to the back of my thoughts, and focused.

"Who says It will get ruined?"

With that I transformed my other servo and dragged the smaller blade down his frame, pushing him off me. He felt the sting of the blade, and moved his servo to caress the small indents. He chuckled again, and gripped his sword attached to his back, and drew it back out, pointing the blade under my chin, making me look up to him.

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