Chasing the light~ Predaking x Female reader

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Requested by scaramouches-toes

So sorry it's almost been a year love, I'm so backed up and am trying to re-surface from this writing hole I'm in!

• Not a romantic 'shot
• Female reader this time around, meaning she is indeed human
• You're kinda like, Megatron's adopted child. Take it, he's pretty soft in this oneshot 👀
• Does that mean we have a AU Megatron?? 😂
• I don't have many Predaking stories. Ayy lets goooo I'm adding another one now 😎
• Picture has Predaking in bi-pedal mode but in this story he gonna be one quiet dragon
• Screamer is an ass ;-;
• Oh! Abuse is talked about, so if this is a trigger than skip. It's quick but still, I don't want someone to get bad thoughts :(

Chasing the light

"The only thing I've ever wanted was for you to have a normal life, Y/N, not for you to compare your own to ours." Megatron held his helm. "We're different than you, honey. You're precious to me and you know you can so easily perish on this ship in an instant if somebot doesn't see you."

"Why'd you take me then? Hm? You knew my life would be on the line the longer I stay here and yet you still took me, father." I batted my eyes up to the silver tyrant. About three years ago he did in fact save and "adopt" me but it all came with a cost. Doing that did help with my personal orphan life but in return ruined my social life. I haven't really talked to a human in forever, nevertheless someone my age. The Decepticons took me in but it just wasn't the same. Like many adopted kids, they yearn to see what could've been. Megatron treated me great and I truly loved him, but I was a mere human who can't do shit. I wanted to do cool robot shit and it sucked that I couldn't.

"I didn't have many options, would you have rather left you to die?" The thought looked to have messed with him as I frowned. "Look, Y/N, I know I'm not your father. Clearly I'm not, we all know this, but I do care for you, kid. I don't want to see you hurt and I've tried my best to give you everything I can offer a human but I understand your yearn of a, what do you call life? Yes. A social life with your own kind."

"I'm not trying to permanently leave, father. I just want to see Earth again and hang out down there a little every now and again. You want your planet back, try thinking about being in my shoes, or uh...pedes...right now." I was the only one who could really talk to him like this and see his soft side. Since day one I had the privilege of being the only one, really. If his second-in-command ever said crap like me he'd be offline a millennia ago.

"Let me think this all through, honey. I'll give you some freedom kiddo, you deserve it but let me think right now. Things liek this need to be worked out." He pinched his helm, giving me a rare smile as he dismissed me away. I thankfully smiled back to him as he called for Starscream to come pick me up and move me away. Little legs can get you oh  so far, but boy did I hate that seeker.

"Aw no, not him father. Starscream is a little bitch."

"Language." He hummed, tapping his sharp digits on his throne in thought. "He is, I know, but I cannot just let him do nothing every day. I need to put him to work."

With that the seeker burst through the large doors, sassy heels clanking the cold ground as he bowed and stood there, servo on his hip. "My liege, you called?" He said, looking at me through his peripheral vision.

"Escort Y/N to wherever she desires to go." Megatron said as Starscream nodded and extended his servo as if he didn't hate my guts. I rolled my eyes and had to climb up, clinging to his extremely sharp digit to not fall.

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