Wingman~ Knockout x Femme reader

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Requested by: LuaKitsune

• Don't really have any great notes this time lmao-
• Breakdown is best bud


"Breakdown, be of use to me and pass me another canister."

The brute Decepticon chuckled, standing up from his crouched position."Since when did I become your pet instead of your best friend? 'Breakdown get this, Breakdown get that-!'" He mimicked the medic's smooth voice. As asked, he headed for the supply closet, grabbing a energon canister and set it aside the now empty first can.

A quiet laugh erupted from Knockout as Breakdown's comment was made. "Hey now, you're the one who willingly applied yourself the new name, pet."

"We're all pets, we're Decepticons."

Their comments became more and more similar as they laughed.


Y/D walked through the identical halls of the nemesis. She was making her way to the medbay, pushing past the vehicon troopers and into the heavy, swinging doors.

"How about when us Decepti-" Knockout paused mid-sentence, seeing Y/D practically rush through the med bay doors. "Doll, is everything alright? What are you doing in the medbay, you're not hurt are you?"

As Knockout glanced at Breakdown, he was concerned that Breakdown noticed his mood change right away.


Y/D faked a limp, and practically threw herself on the floor, not being able to finish her sentence. Knockout dropped and shattered the canister in his hold, sprinting to where she now sat.

It was his gaze that was most concerning.


Before knockout could finish his sentence, Y/D tugged on his stabilizer, earning his attention back towards her now smiling face.

"I...I got you! Wow KO, didn't know you cared that much for me." Her smirking dermas held a playful emotion. Her facial composure screamed evil.

You see, Knockout usually would've been mad, but he honestly couldn't hold back a laugh, seeing Y/D act all high and mighty. "Don't flatter yourself, darling."

"Oh KO, you and me both know you'd be sparkbroken if something bad happened to me."

"My, my, Y/D. Confident today?"


"Well then, Doll. What else do you need, besides me?" Knockout sent the same adrenaline rush of confidence as Y/D. Seeing her light up at his sentence made him feel butterflies.

"Sorry for my inconvenience. I needed to somehow get a laugh out on this depressing dark ship, which I would've done with my favorite medic, but sadly, I officially came for that-"

Y/D glanced and pointed to the medical table, scattered with different types of cybertronian tools and gadgets. She pointed to what looked like a metallic pair of medical forceps.

"Why do you need these?"

"Starscream." She filled in quickly, tapping her digits on the metal surface. Breakdown watched from a bench nearby, picking up the foreceps.

"What would Starscream want with these?" Knockout yanked the forceps out of the brute's servos and deicately placed them in Y/D's servos, the sharp part pointing towards him. Anything to hopefully graze her metal for a mere second.

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