100k~ Autobots x Female reader Special (Plus a Thank you note!)

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Not requested- it's a Special :)

A special for a very big milestone in my life. You all know what that is, but stick around until the end of the story for my proper words towards that milestone of mine. In the meantime...enjoy! ❤️

• Since this is a special, I normally use holoforms and add some love into it, but this one is different. This is more of a comedy than love-focused, and I don't need the holoforms either.
Underline is used for Bee's dialogue
• I'm sure this is pretty known but if you don't what what "100k" means, it just means 100,000. 100,000 what you may ask? The number can come in many shapes, ways, even forms and well hun...that's what this story is about...read on now 🤭


Wheezed and in a daze I practically dragged myself through the main Autobot entrance, gasping for air and for anyone to come help my pleas.

"Holy shi-" Miko didn't have the time to finish her sentence as she helped me stand up and walk over to the railing, where my commotion was caught by everyone else. Jack quickly ran to get some water.

"What happened??" Ratchet said towards me as I tried and forced air to circulate properly within my lungs.

"Food." Was all I managed to say as Jack came back with the water. I sent him back running toward the fridge, but gladly welcomed the water as well.

Miko helped me on the chair Smokescreen pushed closer to us. She looked at the clothes I wore as I drank, and then to the headband, the sweatbands on my ankles and wrists, and then proceeded to rip off my race bib and medal. "What the.."

"I" I took another swig at the water, smiling thankfully for a returning Jack with some Mexican food leftovers. "I competed in a race. I ran a 100k race, yeah."

"That is that?" Optimus tilted his helm. "Does running hurt you, Y/N?"

"Nono" Raf filled in for me, as his jaw dropped. "No it doesn't, but when you're inexperienced trying to run about 62 miles in one sitting, then yeah, that'll definitely do it."

"You ran 62 miles?! Y/N why-how?! Why would you run a 100k race when you're not a runner?!" Miko blurted out as I stuffed my face with nachos and guacamole.

Through chewing cheeks, I managed to swallow and give the base the answer as I started to breathe normally. "I seen a sign for it three days ago." I started. "At first I thought it was a 10k race, but I quickly found out I was wrong. Yeah It took me almost 11 hours but my mama didn't raise no quitter." I glanced to my placing medal I wore over my loose clothes. "Is there any more guac?"

"Hold on.." Arcee exclaimed, pointing her digit. "So you're meaning to tell us you just ran 11 hours straight because of a mistake and for a stupid medal?"

"It was more of a challenge for myself, I haven't ran like that since High school. I'm proud, and I never did earn a medal before." I smiled at my prize, even if I couldn't really feel my toes or legs. "A 100k race is impressive to pull off."

"You know what's impressive?" Miko chuckled, pulling out her phone and facing it out towards us. "Earning 100k Likes on my newest song! Oh yeah that baby will be viral in no time!"

"I've probably thrown 100k wrenches in my day." Ratchet muttered low, but not low enough to earn chuckles, especially from the kids.

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