Stay~ Knockout x Female reader x Starscream

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-Not requested-

• It's more of a best friend pairing than lovers, so keep that in mind peeps.
• Read below. This one has dark and mature thoughts of suicide and self harm. I don't want anyone to read this of you don't like sensitive material, I'm warning you now ;-;
• But don't fret, This *does* have a nice happy ending :)
• Blood warning

If anyone experiences dark thoughts, suicide, and/or everything else that comes along with it, don't bottle it in. You're more beautiful than you think, and there's people out there who love and need you. You have a strong head on your shoulders, don't give up. If anyone needs to rant to me, please don't be shy. I'll never turn down a friend in need. I love you all

Please do not read this one if you're sensitive to self-harm. This isn't usually my cup of tea for writing, but it was for a friend. I promise, I turned it around in the end. It's a story about saving one, not losing one. ♡︎


So here I am, sitting all alone on the cold and damp floor in a small storage room here on the Nemesis, balling my eyes out to no one but myself, and I'm determined to keep it that way.

The dark tinge of the room mixed in with my heavy thoughts for the first time in my life. The tears turned into puddles as time flew out the door behind me. Loneliness is my only friend. I heard footsteps, well, pedesteps circulating outside of the door, but I guess that was normal. I was right by the med bay, anyways.

I was content with me, myself, and I just for now. No machines, just my fleshy self. I wrapped my arms around my legs and felt the salty tears stain my cheek once again.

No one cares about this puny human, it's all just a bunch of lies being told to me just to keep me here and content. The more I thought about it, the more my lungs burned and my stomach flipped. I clenched my eyes together as another wave of sadness washed over me.

No one would miss me if I just disappeared. I'd just be the burden who finally took care of the problem herself. I was tired of this life, I'm sick of it all. The lies, the dis-honesty, the violence, everything.

I felt my stomach tense up once again, and I thought about running for a bucket. I'm a fool for locking myself in here without one, I knew how I got when I'm like this, although it's never been this bad. I held down that feeling for now.

My mind went cloudy as I rummaged around in my pockets. When I gripped the little cold metal of the knife I kept on me, my heart rate increased as the tears came down and stained my pants further.

The little weapon intrigued me, yet scared me at the same time. I can't trust myself right now...

my thumb flipped the blade open, grazing it with my thumb. It was sharp, very sharp.

I took one look to the blade, then to my wrist, flipping it over to study my skin in the dark. My dominant hand shook with the blade as I pointed it right above my skin, but I stopped before I did anything.

I took a deep breath, and before I regretted my decision, threw the knife full force into the wall facing me, parallel to my face. It made a loud thud, but stuck to the wood as the shadow bounced off of the blade part in the tiny light that found it's way into the room, courtesy of the half-window.

I took a deep breath and clenched my head with both hands, slamming my fist down on the floor. What is wrong with me...

Everything changed the minute I joined this forsaken army. It's been two years since I last saw my family, or even humans. They all probably think I'm dead....

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